ID | DLMW08 |
Typ | inProceedings - Artikel in einem Konferenzband |
Autor | Michael Doering |
Sven Lahde | |
Johannes Morgenroth | |
Lars Wolf | |
IBR Autor(en) | Dr. Michael Doering, Dr. Sven Lahde, Dr. Johannes Morgenroth, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf |
IBR Gruppe(n) | CM (Prof. Wolf) |
Titel | IBR-DTN: an efficient implementation for embedded systems |
Buchtitel | Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Challenged Networks, CHANTS 2008, San Francisco, California, USA, September 15, 2008 |
Jahr | 2008 |
Monat | September |
Seite(n) | 117-120 |
URL | |