ID | schroeder:KuVS016 |
Typ | inProceedings - Artikel in einem Konferenzband |
Autor | Yannic Schröder |
Lars C. Wolf | |
IBR Autor(en) | Dr. Yannic Schröder, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf |
IBR Gruppe(n) | CM (Prof. Wolf) |
Projekt | inphase |
Editor | Pelka, Mathias and Goronzy, Grigori and Bitsch Link, Jó Agila and Hellbrück, Horst and Wehrle, Klaus |
Titel | InPhase: Localization based on Distance Estimation via Phase Measurements |
Buchtitel | Proceedings of the 2nd KuVS Expert Talk on Localization |
Organisation | KuVS |
Institution | RWTH Aachen University |
Jahr | 2016 |
Monat | Juli |
Nummer | AIB-2016-05 |
Seite(n) | 7-8 |
Verlag | Department of Computer Science of RWTH Aachen University |
Serie | Aachener Informatik-Berichte |
URL | |