IBR-DTNSuite  0.12
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 /*
3  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  Copyright (c) 1998-2006, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
8  The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
9  form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
11  1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
12  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
14  2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
15  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
16  in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
18  3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
19  built using this software without specific written permission.
21  ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
22  may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
23  in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
27  This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
28  in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
29  and/or fitness for purpose.
30  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  Issue 31/01/2006
33  This file provides fast multiplication in GF(128) as required by several
34  cryptographic authentication modes
35 */
37 //#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
38 //# include <dtn-config.h>
39 //#endif
40 #define BSP_ENABLED true
42 #ifdef BSP_ENABLED
44 #include "brg_types.h"
45 #include "brg_endian.h"
46 #include "gf128mul.h"
48 #define gf_dat(q) {\
49  q(0x00), q(0x01), q(0x02), q(0x03), q(0x04), q(0x05), q(0x06), q(0x07),\
50  q(0x08), q(0x09), q(0x0a), q(0x0b), q(0x0c), q(0x0d), q(0x0e), q(0x0f),\
51  q(0x10), q(0x11), q(0x12), q(0x13), q(0x14), q(0x15), q(0x16), q(0x17),\
52  q(0x18), q(0x19), q(0x1a), q(0x1b), q(0x1c), q(0x1d), q(0x1e), q(0x1f),\
53  q(0x20), q(0x21), q(0x22), q(0x23), q(0x24), q(0x25), q(0x26), q(0x27),\
54  q(0x28), q(0x29), q(0x2a), q(0x2b), q(0x2c), q(0x2d), q(0x2e), q(0x2f),\
55  q(0x30), q(0x31), q(0x32), q(0x33), q(0x34), q(0x35), q(0x36), q(0x37),\
56  q(0x38), q(0x39), q(0x3a), q(0x3b), q(0x3c), q(0x3d), q(0x3e), q(0x3f),\
57  q(0x40), q(0x41), q(0x42), q(0x43), q(0x44), q(0x45), q(0x46), q(0x47),\
58  q(0x48), q(0x49), q(0x4a), q(0x4b), q(0x4c), q(0x4d), q(0x4e), q(0x4f),\
59  q(0x50), q(0x51), q(0x52), q(0x53), q(0x54), q(0x55), q(0x56), q(0x57),\
60  q(0x58), q(0x59), q(0x5a), q(0x5b), q(0x5c), q(0x5d), q(0x5e), q(0x5f),\
61  q(0x60), q(0x61), q(0x62), q(0x63), q(0x64), q(0x65), q(0x66), q(0x67),\
62  q(0x68), q(0x69), q(0x6a), q(0x6b), q(0x6c), q(0x6d), q(0x6e), q(0x6f),\
63  q(0x70), q(0x71), q(0x72), q(0x73), q(0x74), q(0x75), q(0x76), q(0x77),\
64  q(0x78), q(0x79), q(0x7a), q(0x7b), q(0x7c), q(0x7d), q(0x7e), q(0x7f),\
65  q(0x80), q(0x81), q(0x82), q(0x83), q(0x84), q(0x85), q(0x86), q(0x87),\
66  q(0x88), q(0x89), q(0x8a), q(0x8b), q(0x8c), q(0x8d), q(0x8e), q(0x8f),\
67  q(0x90), q(0x91), q(0x92), q(0x93), q(0x94), q(0x95), q(0x96), q(0x97),\
68  q(0x98), q(0x99), q(0x9a), q(0x9b), q(0x9c), q(0x9d), q(0x9e), q(0x9f),\
69  q(0xa0), q(0xa1), q(0xa2), q(0xa3), q(0xa4), q(0xa5), q(0xa6), q(0xa7),\
70  q(0xa8), q(0xa9), q(0xaa), q(0xab), q(0xac), q(0xad), q(0xae), q(0xaf),\
71  q(0xb0), q(0xb1), q(0xb2), q(0xb3), q(0xb4), q(0xb5), q(0xb6), q(0xb7),\
72  q(0xb8), q(0xb9), q(0xba), q(0xbb), q(0xbc), q(0xbd), q(0xbe), q(0xbf),\
73  q(0xc0), q(0xc1), q(0xc2), q(0xc3), q(0xc4), q(0xc5), q(0xc6), q(0xc7),\
74  q(0xc8), q(0xc9), q(0xca), q(0xcb), q(0xcc), q(0xcd), q(0xce), q(0xcf),\
75  q(0xd0), q(0xd1), q(0xd2), q(0xd3), q(0xd4), q(0xd5), q(0xd6), q(0xd7),\
76  q(0xd8), q(0xd9), q(0xda), q(0xdb), q(0xdc), q(0xdd), q(0xde), q(0xdf),\
77  q(0xe0), q(0xe1), q(0xe2), q(0xe3), q(0xe4), q(0xe5), q(0xe6), q(0xe7),\
78  q(0xe8), q(0xe9), q(0xea), q(0xeb), q(0xec), q(0xed), q(0xee), q(0xef),\
79  q(0xf0), q(0xf1), q(0xf2), q(0xf3), q(0xf4), q(0xf5), q(0xf6), q(0xf7),\
80  q(0xf8), q(0xf9), q(0xfa), q(0xfb), q(0xfc), q(0xfd), q(0xfe), q(0xff) }
83 /* Given the value i in 0..255 as the byte overflow when a field element
84  in GHASH is multipled by x^8, this function will return the values that
85  are generated in the lo 16-bit word of the field value by applying the
86  modular polynomial. The values lo_byte and hi_byte are returned via the
87  macro xp_fun(lo_byte, hi_byte) so that the values can be assembled into
88  memory as required by a suitable definition of this macro operating on
89  the table above
90 */
93 # define xx(p,q) 0x##q##p /* assemble in little endian order */
94 #else
95 # define xx(p,q) 0x##p##q /* assemble in big endian order */
96 #endif
98 #define xda(i) ( \
99  (i & 0x80 ? xx(e1,00) : 0) ^ (i & 0x40 ? xx(70,80) : 0) ^ \
100  (i & 0x20 ? xx(38,40) : 0) ^ (i & 0x10 ? xx(1c,20) : 0) ^ \
101  (i & 0x08 ? xx(0e,10) : 0) ^ (i & 0x04 ? xx(07,08) : 0) ^ \
102  (i & 0x02 ? xx(03,84) : 0) ^ (i & 0x01 ? xx(01,c2) : 0) )
104 const unsigned short gf_tab[256] = gf_dat(xda);
106 void gf_mul(void *a, const void* b)
107 { uint_32t r[GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2], p[8][GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2];
108  int i;
110  move_block_aligned(p[0], b);
111  for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
112  mul_x(p[i + 1], p[i]);
114  memset(r, 0, GF_BYTE_LEN);
115  for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
116  { unsigned char ch = ((unsigned char*)a)[15 - i];
117  if(i) mul_x8(r);
119  if(ch & 0x80)
120  xor_block_aligned(r, p[0]);
121  if(ch & 0x40)
122  xor_block_aligned(r, p[1]);
123  if(ch & 0x20)
124  xor_block_aligned(r, p[2]);
125  if(ch & 0x10)
126  xor_block_aligned(r, p[3]);
127  if(ch & 0x08)
128  xor_block_aligned(r, p[4]);
129  if(ch & 0x04)
130  xor_block_aligned(r, p[5]);
131  if(ch & 0x02)
132  xor_block_aligned(r, p[6]);
133  if(ch & 0x01)
134  xor_block_aligned(r, p[7]);
135  }
136  move_block_aligned(a, r);
137 }
139 #if defined( TABLES_64K )
141 void init_64k_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
142 { int i, j, k;
144  memset(t, 0, 16 * 256 * 16);
145  for(i = 0; i < GF_BYTE_LEN; ++i)
146  {
147  if(!i)
148  {
149  memcpy(tab64k(t)[0][128], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
150  for(j = 64; j > 0; j >>= 1)
151  mul_x(tab64k(t)[0][j], tab64k(t)[0][j + j]);
152  }
153  else
154  for(j = 128; j > 0; j >>= 1)
155  {
156  memcpy(tab64k(t)[i][j], tab64k(t)[i - 1][j], GF_BYTE_LEN);
157  mul_x8(tab64k(t)[i][j]);
158  }
160  for(j = 2; j < 256; j += j)
161  for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
162  {
163  tab64k(t)[i][j + k][0] = tab64k(t)[i][j][0] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][0];
164  tab64k(t)[i][j + k][1] = tab64k(t)[i][j][1] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][1];
165  tab64k(t)[i][j + k][2] = tab64k(t)[i][j][2] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][2];
166  tab64k(t)[i][j + k][3] = tab64k(t)[i][j][3] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][3];
167  }
168  }
169 }
171 #endif
173 #if defined( TABLES_8K )
175 void init_8k_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
176 { int i, j, k;
178  memset(tab8k(t), 0, 32 * 16 * 16);
179  for(i = 0; i < 2 * GF_BYTE_LEN; ++i)
180  {
181  if(i == 0)
182  {
183  memcpy(tab8k(t)[1][8], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
184  for(j = 4; j > 0; j >>= 1)
185  mul_x(tab8k(t)[1][j], tab8k(t)[1][j + j]);
187  mul_x(tab8k(t)[0][8], tab8k(t)[1][1]);
189  for(j = 4; j > 0; j >>= 1)
190  mul_x(tab8k(t)[0][j], tab8k(t)[0][j + j]);
191  }
192  else if(i > 1)
193  for(j = 8; j > 0; j >>= 1)
194  {
195  memcpy(tab8k(t)[i][j], tab8k(t)[i - 2][j], GF_BYTE_LEN);
196  mul_x8(tab8k(t)[i][j]);
197  }
199  for(j = 2; j < 16; j += j)
200  for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
201  {
202  tab8k(t)[i][j + k][0] = tab8k(t)[i][j][0] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][0];
203  tab8k(t)[i][j + k][1] = tab8k(t)[i][j][1] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][1];
204  tab8k(t)[i][j + k][2] = tab8k(t)[i][j][2] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][2];
205  tab8k(t)[i][j + k][3] = tab8k(t)[i][j][3] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][3];
206  }
207  }
208 }
210 #endif
212 #if defined( TABLES_4K )
214 void init_4k_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
215 { int j, k;
217  memset(tab4k(t), 0, 256 * 16);
218  memcpy(tab4k(t)[128], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
219  for(j = 64; j > 0; j >>= 1)
220  {
221  mul_x(tab4k(t)[j], tab4k(t)[j + j]);
222  }
224  for(j = 2; j < 256; j += j)
225  for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
226  {
227  tab4k(t)[j + k][0] = tab4k(t)[j][0] ^ tab4k(t)[k][0];
228  tab4k(t)[j + k][1] = tab4k(t)[j][1] ^ tab4k(t)[k][1];
229  tab4k(t)[j + k][2] = tab4k(t)[j][2] ^ tab4k(t)[k][2];
230  tab4k(t)[j + k][3] = tab4k(t)[j][3] ^ tab4k(t)[k][3];
231  }
232 }
234 #endif
236 #if defined( TABLES_256 )
238 void init_256_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
239 { int j, k;
241  memset(tab256(t), 0, 16 * 16);
242  memcpy(tab256(t)[8], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
243  for(j = 4; j > 0; j >>= 1)
244  {
245  mul_x(tab256(t)[j], tab256(t)[j + j]);
246  }
248  for(j = 2; j < 16; j += j)
249  for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
250  {
251  tab256(t)[j + k][0] = tab256(t)[j][0] ^ tab256(t)[k][0];
252  tab256(t)[j + k][1] = tab256(t)[j][1] ^ tab256(t)[k][1];
253  tab256(t)[j + k][2] = tab256(t)[j][2] ^ tab256(t)[k][2];
254  tab256(t)[j + k][3] = tab256(t)[j][3] ^ tab256(t)[k][3];
255  }
256 }
258 #endif
260 #endif /* BSP_ENABLED */