Contiki 2.5
statistics.c File Reference

uDTN Statistics Module implementation More...

#include <string.h>
#include "agent.h"
#include "contiki.h"
#include "bundle.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "statistics.h"

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uint8_t statistics_get_pointer ()
 Internal function to find out, into which array slot the information is written.
uint16_t statistics_setup (struct process *process)
 Init function to be called by application. More...
uint8_t statistics_get_bundle (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t maximum_length)
 Copy the statistics bundle into the provided buffer. More...
uint8_t statistics_get_contacts_bundle (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t maximum_length)
 Copy the contacts bundle into the provided buffer. More...
void statistics_reset_contacts ()
 Resets the contact information, to be called by application after contacts bundle has been retrieved.
void statistics_reset (void)
 Resets the statistics, to be called by application after bundle has been retrieved.
void statistics_bundle_incoming (uint8_t count)
 new bundle has been received
void statistics_bundle_outgoing (uint8_t count)
 Bundle has been sent out.
void statistics_bundle_generated (uint8_t count)
 Bundle was generated locally.
void statistics_bundle_delivered (uint8_t count)
 Bundle was delivered locally.
void statistics_storage_bundles (uint8_t bundles)
 Provide the number of bundles currently in storage.
void statistics_storage_memory (uint16_t free)
 Provide the amount of memory that is free.
void statistics_contacts_up (rimeaddr_t *peer)
 A new neighbour has been found.
void statistics_contacts_down (rimeaddr_t *peer, uint16_t duration)
 Neighbour disappeared.

Detailed Description

uDTN Statistics Module implementation

Wolf-Bastian Poettner poett.nosp@m.ner@.nosp@m.ibr.c.nosp@m.s.tu.nosp@m.-bs.d.nosp@m.e

Definition in file statistics.c.