Contiki 2.5
Macros | Functions
storage_coffee.c File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "contiki.h"
#include "netstack.h"
#include "cfs/cfs.h"
#include "mmem.h"
#include "memb.h"
#include "cfs-coffee.h"
#include "watchdog.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "bundle.h"
#include "sdnv.h"
#include "statusreport.h"
#include "agent.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "storage.h"

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 How long can a filename possibly be?
 Flags for the storage.
 COFFEE is so slow, that we are loosing radio packets while using the flash. More...


void storage_coffee_prune ()
 "Internal" functions More...
uint16_t storage_coffee_delete_bundle (uint32_t bundle_number, uint8_t reason)
 deletes a bundle form storage More...
struct mmem * storage_coffee_read_bundle (uint32_t bundle_number)
 reads a bundle from storage More...
void storage_coffee_reconstruct_bundles ()
 Restore bundles stored in CFS.
void storage_coffee_init (void)
 called by agent at startup
void storage_coffee_reinit (void)
 Sets the storage to its initial state.
uint8_t storage_coffee_make_room (struct mmem *bundlemem)
 This function delete as many bundles from the storage as necessary to have at least one slot free. More...
uint8_t storage_coffee_save_bundle (struct mmem *bundlemem, uint32_t **bundle_number_ptr)
 saves a bundle in storage More...
uint16_t storage_coffee_get_free_space (struct mmem *bundlemem)
 checks if there is space for a bundle More...
uint16_t storage_coffee_get_bundle_numbers (void)
 Get the number of slots available in storage. More...
struct storage_entry_tstorage_coffee_get_bundles (void)
 Get the bundle list. More...
uint8_t storage_coffee_lock_bundle (uint32_t bundle_num)
 Mark a bundle as locked so that it will not be deleted even if we are running out of space. More...
void storage_coffee_unlock_bundle (uint32_t bundle_num)
 Mark a bundle as unlocked after being locked previously.

Detailed Description

Georg von Zengen
Wolf-Bastian Poettner poett.nosp@m.ner@.nosp@m.ibr.c.nosp@m.s.tu.nosp@m.-bs.d.nosp@m.e

Definition in file storage_coffee.c.