Re: Help for a beginner

Juergen Schoenwaelder (schoenw@bayes)
Mon, 29 Nov 93 14:08:24 +0100


Nenad> I am trying to adapt tkined to a specific task that I have
Nenad> involving drawing and editing tabular forms of entities and,
Nenad> than, drawing a network based on the definiton of these
Nenad> entities.

Nenad> My problem is that I am not sure how to go about adapting
Nenad> tkined for my purposes. What I would like to do is simply
Nenad> build on top of tkined functionality writing tk/tcl scripts.
Nenad> However, I am not sure what is the way to do this (i.e., where
Nenad> and when do you read in a regular tk/tcl script to tkined).
Nenad> The answer must be so obvious that it hasn't been spelled out
Nenad> anywhere I could read it from.

We never read in any tk/tcl scripts to tkined directly. Every script
that controls icons etc. shown inside of the editor communicates with
tkined using a socketpair. This allows us to hide the internals of
tkined and has the big advantage, that tkined never fails because of a
buggy script.

Communication between tkined and a tcl script is hidden by the ined
proc that is defined in ined.tcl. To write your own script, you have
to source ined.tcl or you can use the -i option if you are using
scotty. Thereafter you are able to use all the ined commands described
in the tkined man page.

Below is a simple hello world example. The script defines a proc hello
that will be called whenever the user selects the hello menu item.
The argument, a list of all selected objects, is simply ignored. The
second proc delete Hello Example deletes the tool and exits the

The last line in the script tells tkined to create a new menu named
TOOL that contains the commands hello, a separator and delete Hello

You can start the example below (assuming it is stored in hello.tcl)
using the Start Interpreter menu of the TOOL Manager or you can define

tkined.interpreter2: hello.tcl

in your ~/.tkined/tkined.defaults. This tells tkined to start
hello.tcl whenever a new editor window is opened. You must make sure
that tkined can find hello.tcl. The easiest way is to put hello.tcl in
your ~/.tkined directory.

I hope this short note helps you to do your first steps writing tcl
scripts for tkined.



#! /usr/local/bin/scotty -inf
## A hello world example written for tkined.

## A new tkined command that simply displays the message `Hello World!'.

proc hello {list} {
ined acknowledge "Hello World!"

## Delete this TOOL

proc "delete Hello Example" {list} {
global tools
foreach id $tools { ined delete $id }

set tools [ ined create TOOL "Hello Example" hello "" "delete Hello Example" ]