Re: Ressources.....

Erik Schoenfelder (schoenfr@sol)
Wed, 25 May 94 15:54:08 +0200


> xshaw <shaw@efp.poz.EDU.PL>:

CS> I have a problem with displaying menus in tkined, could
CS> someone send me a .Xdefaults file so that I could compare it
CS> with mine and see where the problem is.

Hmm. tkined itself does not use X11-resources. You can customize your
menus by using a private ~/.tkined/tkined.defaults file. The standard
tkined.defaults can be fould as $LIBDIR/tkined/tkined.defaults and may
serve as an example, what to change and how to do.

Additional you may have a look at the CUSTOMIZATION section in
tkined'm manpage.

Hope, this helps. Erik