Minor things with scotty

Jeff Blaine (jblaine@ciesin.org)
Wed, 07 Sep 1994 00:58:48 -0400

I realize this list is for tkined, but I didn't see a list mentioned
for scotty in scotty's README. Anyway, just some minor things
and then a question.

`Intervall' should be `Interval' in the man pages unless I'm
unaware of the `Intervall' spellig of the word. (I know I know:
shut up about spelling things, but hey, it makes a better package)

The emok example script gives misleading/wrong usage information.
Run with no arguments, it outputs:

usage: emok -- [-d] [-m max_level] hostname

and should probably output:

usage: emok -- [-d] [-m max_level] user[@hostname]

because well, you're looking up a user (an address to be precise),
not a hostname.

And my question: How can I incorporate the extra icons from
John P. Rouillard (spelling off the top of my head) with tkined 1.0.2?
I looked for a README and then looked at the structure of the tar
file (icons/network/*...etc) and was at a loss for an idea
regarding where to stick them.

Thanks in advance -- great package(s), BTW. Very useful.

Jeff Blaine
CIESIN Operations