Re: statistical polling - MRTG - new Version (1.6)

Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Fri, 30 Jun 1995 22:01:30 +0200


Joergen Haegg <> said:

Joergen> Since the subject was up, is it necessary with scotty
Joergen> as interpreter for tkined-tools?

Joergen> Looking at the simple interface suggests that any
Joergen> language is possible, as long as it generates correct
Joergen> replys on tkineds commands.

Right. Hoever, the protocol used between Tkined and the application is
not well defined. If someone will seriously work on an interface to,
say perl, I would suggest to coordinate this effort. The idea is to
cleanup (and document) the protocol before coding an interface to
another language.

Please note that I am out of town the next 10 days and I do not know
if I am able to read my mail. So expect slow response times.
