Some bugs and peronal changes in tkined

Udo Bürgel (
Mon, 04 Sep 1995 14:24:26 +0200

I am working with tkined_1.3.3 on a linux_1.2.0 platform. There are two bugs
I want to tell you about.

the print-command still doesn't save big background images (even with odd
sizes). As fare as I understand it this isn't really a bug in tkined but in tk4.0.
To handle this I changed the tk-objekttype of a background image from
image to bitmap. This is suggested in Objekts.tcl and you just have to turn
the switch in line 566 from "if {0} {" to "if {1 } {" .

the sub-menu color doesn't appear in the icon menu. I handled this
taking out the "if {[$editor color]} {"-lines in Editor.tcl. (I Know this is really

diff Editor.tcl.orig Editor.tcl
< if {[$editor color]} {

> #    if {[$editor color]} { 
<     }
> #    }
<     if {[$editor color]} { 
> #    if {[$editor color]} { 
<     }
> #    }

Another strange thing is that the pagesize of the tkined editor depends on the terminal I am working at. Using a SPARCstation with openwin3 as Xterminal and login on the Linux machine, a DIN A4 page is bigger than using the Linuxstation with FVWM. This means the same tki-file fitts on the page sitting in front of the SPARCstation but it doesn't while sitting in front of the Linux machine. Is the related to some fonts?

Futher on I made some maybe quite personal changes:

first: I like to have an emacs-style backup of the old tki-file when saving a tki-canvas. So I added some lines in Command.tcl.

diff Command.tcl.orig Command.tcl 110a126,140 > > ## first mv $fname to $fname~. Geaendert Udo Buergel 30.8.95 {{{{{ > if {[file exists $fname]} { > if {[catch {exec mv $fname $fname~} err]} { > if {$err == ""} { > Dialog::acknowledge $w.canvas \ > "Can not write to file [file tail $fname~]." > } else { > Dialog::acknowledge $w.canvas \ > "Can not write to file [file tail $fname~]:" "" $err > } > } > } > ## geaendert Udo Buergel }}}}}}}}} >

second: I would like to be asked wether I want to save the old file before I open a new one. So I added some lines in Command.tcl.

diff Command.tcl.orig Command.tcl 61a62 > set oldfname "[$editor filename]" 69a71,84 > ## Ask to save old view before open new view. Geaendert Udo Buergel 30.8.95{{{ > if {$oldfname != "noname.tki"} { > set res [Dialog::confirm $w.canvas "Save $oldfname before open new view?" \ > [list yes no cancel]] > if { $res == "cancel" } { > return > } else { > if { $res == "yes" } { > Command::Save $editor > } > } > } > ## Ask to save old view before open new view. Geaendert Udo Buergel 30.8.95}}} >

third: I want to allow links with reference-objekts because I think this is useful to show the way several tki-maps are related to, or connected with, each other. Probablly this is very personel but anyway I tell you about the way I did it.

diff methods.c.orig methods.c. 504a505,507 > /* eingefuegt 14.8.95 Udo Buergel ((((*/ > case TKINED_REFERENCE: > /* )))))eingefuegt 14.8.95 Udo Buergel */ 1610a1614,1616 > /* eingefuegt 14.8.95 Udo Buergel ((((*/ > Tcl_AppendElement (interp, object->links); > /* )))))eingefuegt 14.8.95 Udo Buergel */ 1894a1901 > /* added REFERENCE object. 14.8.95 Udo Buergel */ 1896c1903,1904 < if (object->type == TKINED_NODE || object->type == TKINED_NETWORK) {

>       if (object->type == TKINED_NODE || object->type == TKINED_NETWORK
>           || object->type == TKINED_REFERENCE) {

diff Tool.tcl.orig Tool.tcl < set item [Tool::Find $c $x $y "NODE NETWORK"]

> # geaendert 14.8.95 Udo Buergel. DAmit man auch Objekte vom typ REFERENCE mit 
> # einem link verbinden kann. {{{{{{
>     set item  [Tool::Find $c $x $y "NODE NETWORK REFERENCE"]
> #    set item  [Tool::Find $c $x $y "NODE NETWORK"]
> # geaendert 14.8.95 Udo Buergel. DAmit man auch Objekte vom typ REFERENCE mit 
> # einem link verbinden kann. }}}}}}
<     set dst_item [Tool::Find $c $x  $y  "NODE NETWORK"]
<     set src_item [Tool::Find $c $sx $sy "NODE NETWORK"]
> # geaendert 14.8.95 Udo Buergel. DAmit man auch Objekte vom typ REFERENCE mit 
> # einem link verbinden kann. {{{{{{
>     set dst_item [Tool::Find $c $x  $y  "NODE NETWORK REFERENCE"]
>     set src_item [Tool::Find $c $sx $sy "NODE NETWORK REFERENCE"]
> #    set dst_item [Tool::Find $c $x  $y  "NODE NETWORK"]
> #    set src_item [Tool::Find $c $sx $sy "NODE NETWORK"]
> # geaendert 14.8.95 Udo Buergel. DAmit man auch Objekte vom typ REFERENCE mit 
> # einem link verbinden kann. }}}}}}
> # geaendert 14.8.95 Udo Buergel. DAmit man auch Objekte vom typ REFERENCE mit 
> # einem link verbinden kann. {{{{{{
>           ($dst_type=="REFERENCE") ||
> # geaendert 14.8.95 Udo Buergel. DAmit man auch Objekte vom typ REFERENCE mit 
> # einem link verbinden kann. }}}}}}

diff Command.tcl.orig Command.tcl 415c445,449 < if {($type == "NODE") || ($type == "NETWORK")} {

> #     if {($type == "NODE") || ($type == "NETWORK")} {
> #  || ($type == "REFERENCE") hinzugefuegt, damit man ein Objekt vom Typ
> #  "REFERENCE" linken kann. Udo Buergel 14.8.95
>       if {($type == "NODE") || 
>           ($type == "NETWORK") || ($type == "REFERENCE")} {

That's all.
