> afs> I have a question on the new mibtree (Snmp Tree) mib explorer.
> afs> It's look great, but I can't see the Y Scrollbar on its window.
> afs> Of course toggling on/off the corresponding button on Options Menu
> afs> has no effects, too.
> afs> It is a known limit of this release or a problem specific to
> afs> this platform ?
> The Y Scrollbar is broken. You will be able to see it if you make the
> browser very large. This will be fixed in the first patch.
> Juergen
It's correct.
I notice that commenting the line:
diff -r1.1.1.1 mibtree
< YScroll $w
--- > #YScroll $wIt works little better. I hope helps (I am sorry but I am a very novice on tcl/tk stuffs..., never written a line :-(()
A similar problem arise in a show table on the X scrollbar. I've seen a better behavior (I mean, clicking off and on the X scroll Menu bottom, the X scroll appears changing the order of:
scrollbar $w.yscroll -orient vertical \ -command "$w.t yview" -relief sunken scrollbar $w.xscroll -orient horizontal \ -command "$w.t xview" -relief sunken text $w.t -wrap none -highlightthickness 0 -setgrid true \ -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \ -yscrollcommand "$w.yscroll set" \ -xscrollcommand "$w.xscroll set" pack $w.t -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill both -expand true
in output.tcl
-- ``` (o o) +-----------------oOO--(_)--OOo-----------------------------+ | | |Andrea Fino - Internet E-Mail - af@iconet.ico.olivetti.com | | | |Phone +39-0125-521711 Fax +39-0125-521104 | | | | Of course these are my views...etc...etc... 8-) | | | |GCS | | -d+(---) -p+ c+++ l u++ e* m++ s/s n+ h f(+) g+ w+ t r y?| +-----------------------------------------------------------+