Re: [tkined] problem with VC v5.0

Allen R. Schmitt-Gordon (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:53:20 -0700

Hello Erik,

Thanks for your response. I'm frustrated with attempting to build scotty with
WinNT 4.0 and VC 5.0. The problems that I've run into are that in the makefile
I need to set paths with long file names in the path and nmake does not seem to
handle this consistently or properly. I moved the path include parameters to
the NT envrionment strings, but then got compilation errors with winsock.h
(duplicate structure, fs_set), in the very 1st file, which makes no sense at
all. I tried to set up a new VC project using the data in the makefile, but
have not been sucessful as yet and have put this aside for now. I don't have
the data for your questions below as yet.


Erik Schoenfelder wrote:
> Hi,
> Allen> I have been attempting to build SCOTTY with Visual C++ 5.0.
> Allen> To get around a bug with nmake, I started building a project
> Allen> file and noticed that some of the build environment is missing
> Allen> from the archive file that I downloaded. The makefile calls
> Allen> for an include path that has
> Allen> $(ROOT)\compat\res
> Allen> in it. Unfortunately, this path does not exist [...]
> Well, imho this seems to be more a bug in the makefile, because the
> res directory does not exist ;-)
> Allen> and therefore the file
> Allen> config.h
> Allen> cannot be found. Is this the same file as
> Allen>
> Allen> in the unix build?
> The unix config.h is created by the configure script from
> for a unix platform. So is the template for config.h,
> right.
> But config.h is only used for a unix platform build.
> The build under windows should not request a config.h file and
> therefore it would be great, if you can tell us what source file
> wanted to include it and if possible which compiler flags are set
> expecially defines while compiling ?
> Another question: do you use the scotty-98-05-01.tar.gz snapshot ?
> Have fun,
> Erik


Allen R. Schmitt-Gordon Senior Systems Support Engineer PowerTV, Inc 408.863.1172 (voice) 20833 Stevens Creek Blvd. #100 408.777.0176 (fax) Cupertino CA 95014 800.613.9896 (page) (email page)

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