Re: [tkined] getbulk & Unixware getmany command

Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:32:42 +0200

>>>>> Jason Frisvold writes:

Jason> snmp0 getbulk 1 10 "firstsnmp secondsnmp thirdsnmp"

Jason> and assuming I understand this correctly, it will respond by
Jason> doing a single getnext on firstsnmp, and 10 getnext's on
Jason> secondsnmp and thirdsnmp. However, I cannot get this to work
Jason> correctly in Scotty 2.1.9... (I am just now downloading
Jason> 2.1.10) I know the values exist for secondsnmp and thirdsnmp...
Jason> In fact, there are probably several hundred values after those,
Jason> but I only get a single getnext on each value as the return.

First, make sure you agent is SNMPv2c and not SNMPv1. (There is no
getbulk operation in SNMPv1 and scotty will map the getbulk to a
getnext operation in this case.) Second, even if you have an SNMPv2c
agent, there is no guarantee that the agent will actually do
repetitions (see RFC 1905). This is why it is perfectly legal to map a
getbulk to a getnext on a SNMPv1 session.

Jason> Also, I am looking to either write a command similar to the
Jason> Unixware getmany command, or use a built in command that does
Jason> the same thing. I'm not sure if anyone on this list is
Jason> familiar with that command, so let me briefly explain. Given
Jason> the following mib value :, it will return
Jason> all the values within all the snmp variables on a given machine
Jason> that have at least as the first few
Jason> characters.

Read about the walk command in the snmp(n) man page.


Juergen Schoenwaelder
Technical University Braunschweig, Dept. Operating Systems & Computer Networks
Bueltenweg 74/75, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany. (Tel. +49 531 / 391 3289)

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