Re: [tkined] general problems ... 2nd try

Jason Brooks (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:59:47 -0700

My biggest help in snmp is to learn about SMI (structure of management
information). The latest version of tkined is 1.4.10. There may be
some issues with your kernel version too.

I have also had some problems with the ip-discover as well. I have been
able to discover class C and smaller networks, but when I tell it to
discover a class B network, it doesn't seem to want to do it.

As far as your switch is concerned...Do you have the MIB (management
information base) for it? There are no doubt specific values in that
mib special for the switch. There is a means of importing that MIB into
the one used by scotty. The page will have a pointer to a

I believe with communities there are a couple of basic default
communities: public and private. using the public community allows read
only access (typically). The private community allows write access as
well. In our shell scripts (no scotty) we use public community when we
want to extract data and private when we want to change data. I think
the idea of communities is to allow a form of verification not unlike a

I also believe there are nt versions of tkined and scotty.

In order to show an appropriate amount of humility, I invite all forms
of critique of my answers...

Stefan Lapenat wrote:
> hi
> this is my second try to get some help ... in the mean time i have
> discovered some new problems ;)
> i am using tkined 1.4.9 running on a linux server (linux 1.2.13). is there
> a newer version ? maybe another version running under another operating
> system like Windows95 or WinNt ??
> we have a large company network with about 150 nodes and some smaller
> networks. it was no problem to discover the smaller ones using ip-discover,
> but when i tried to discover the large one it lasted very long (over
> night). but when i start it now i get no result, even when waiting so long.
> is there a possibility to see where ip-discover stops or hangs up ?
> our main part is a 3com super stack switch, in my opinion it is a very big
> step if i could monitor this stack, this would give me a glance into our
> network.
> but till now i couldnīt manage more than getting some little graphics
> showing the round trip time and the interface load (snmp monitor) for the
> 24 ports.
> the other thing is that i tried to monitor some values except these two
> ones already mentioned. but i do not know how to do it. I checked the snmp
> and the icmp statistics ... then i tried to monitor the names i got there.
> these things worked, but i am not able to get any other information out of
> this damned stack.
> what are these so-called snmp communities work ? what do i have to look at
> ? how do they work and which functions do they have ?
> i also tried to change values via snmp-browser ... but even the syscontact
> value was not changeable ...
> the error message was: nosuchname 1 { {octet string}
> {mynewtext}}
> in this company a lot of different operation systems for the servers are
> used: HP-UX, Novell 3.12, Novell 4.11, Win NT
> HP-UX can be monitored via the rstat daemon, but how can i monitor the
> other servers best ?
> i have to admit that i feel very helpless dealing with all these things ( i
> never had to cope with networkmanagement before) ... but even the getting
> started, the faq and some newsgroups-messages have not been a big help for
> me ... maybe somebody out there could be ;)
> thanx a lot
> stefan lapenat
> --
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Jason --I wanna be a engineer-- Brooks
Omen network administrator
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