Re: [tkined] reading from standart input in tcl

Doug Hughes (Doug.Hughes@Eng.Auburn.EDU)
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 08:39:01 -0500

> Hello
> Sorry for the experts in Tcl/Tk and Tkined users. I am just new
>in Tcl, I have been dealing with Expect language which is an extension
>of Tcl.

Well, this isn't really the place for expect questions. You might try
the expect home page or FAQ at

> I could not have succeded reading from standart input.
> In any language, it is something like below
> Please enter you name :
> read name
> echo $name...............
> But in tcl, as far as I see there is not any command like read
> I tried
> exec read name
> puts $name
> and also
> set name [exec read dummy]
> puts $name
> they both did not work
> I am sure I am misssing a very simple point, sorry again for
>these simple question
> Kind ragards
> kadir

If you are using expect, then the command is expect

expect {Please enter} {send "$name"}

check out the man page. it has several good examples.

Doug Hughes					Engineering Network Services
System/Net Admin  				Auburn University

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