[tkined] Traffic flow MIB/app?

Scott D. MacKay (scott_mackay@mail.rte.com)
Thu, 05 Nov 1998 09:45:43 -0500

I was interested in monitoring traffic flow through a router or
through a host (acts as a router). The two things I would like to do

1) Monitor the % used based on knowing how large the pipe is or find the
2) Identify source and destination of the traffic flows (kind of like a
graphical snoop with flow rates).

I would prefer a MIB value or scotty-pluggabe app, but could do with a
separate app also. I would be running this on a SPARC solaris machine.


| Scott MacKay : Postmaster
| sdm@rte.com | postmaster@rte.com | ICQ 22025608 | (716) 383-1290
| Real Time Enterprises, Pittsford NY
| -Electronic Document Imaging-System Integration-Software Development-
| 'The opinions shared here only reflect the poster's
| views and may not reflect the views of the company.'

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