[tkined] new win32 snapshot avail [was: expiration of scotty 3.0 win32]

Erik Schoenfelder (schoenfr@gaertner.de)
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 01:40:43 +0100 (MET)


well, another scotty v3.0.0 snapshot for win32 is ready.

it is avail from
ftp.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de in /pub/local/tkined/devel
and is named

the complete url is:


it includes Tcl v8.0.4 and has some minor fixes and changes and is
nearly unchanged from the last release. it should work with a
previously installed tcl v8.0.3.

hopefully there are more news until july, which is the next
expiration date of this binary distribution.

well, if you are telling me `this expiration stuff sucks', i can
understand this surely and will leave it out in future ;-)


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