[tkined] SNMP Monitor & two windows

Aaron D. Turner (aturner@vicinity.com)
Mon, 8 Feb 1999 14:21:33 -0800 (PST)

For some time I've been using tkined and the SNMP Monitor to monitor
my production network's routers. Recently I started monitoring my
corporate network as well. Problem is that while the production
network screen properly saves the various SNMP strip chart info
(community name, version, port, timeout, etc) the corporate network
file does not. When I re-load that screen from the file, it has
forgotten all the SNMP information.

Any idea what's going on and why it works for one but not the other?

Aaron Turner, CNE   aturner@vicinity.com  650.237.0311 x252
Network Engineer    Vicinity Corp.        http://www.vicinity.com
Email-to-page: 6505721411.1146752@pagenet.net [Subject & Body sent]

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