[tkined] Big problem for me...

Mogyorosi Tamas (mogyoros@foobar.szabinet.hu)
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:07:03 +0200


So I use tkined for a long time, but I've found that an important thing
(for me) is missing from the package. If I make a monitor on a device, a
small bar-graph cames up near to the selected device. That's ok. It
starts to draw the graph from the bottom right corner, and so. Everybody
knows what I'm talking about. That is good if I have positive values.
BUT, what to do, when I have negative vaules to monitor. It doesn't
display the negative values in the bar-graph, just write out the exact
value to the bottom of the graph.
Now...Is it possible to make a bar-graph that displays negativ values
too? Should I modify the source of tkined, or is there a patch to solve

Thanks your answer.

Tamas Mogyorosi

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