Re: [tkined] Direct use of the tnm library from c/c++

Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Thu, 20 May 1999 10:42:13 +0200

>>>>> gary hicking writes:

gary> Question 1 --------------

gary> Can anyone tell me if the library is meant to be thread safe?

It is not thread safe. ;-(

gary> If not I assume the reasons for this are because of the global
gary> variables used which hold status while a mib query is in
gary> progress.

gary> Anybody have any experience of modifying this library?

I have no idea how much effort this will be.

gary> Question 2 --------------

gary> It seems that you can load a single mib tree only. The root is
gary> held by the variable 'tnm_MibTree' in the module tnmMibQuery.c.

gary> So if I want to load several MIBs (for differing network
gary> elements) or I want to load differing versions of the same MIB
gary> (say during upgrade of certain network elements) then I cannot
gary> do this unless I feed the root of each mib tree in and out of
gary> the library as required somehow.

Loading several MIBs is just fine. Loading different versions of the
same MIB does from a SMI perspective not make much sense. You are not
alloed to change the semantics of a published SMI definition. Hence,
loading the latest version should always give you exactly what you

gary> Is this root ptr the only variable I need to consider to make
gary> this multi-version-mib loadable?

I think so. However, I am not really sure that this is useful.


Juergen Schoenwaelder
Technical University Braunschweig, Dept. Operating Systems & Computer Networks
Bueltenweg 74/75, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany.        (Tel. +49 531 / 391 3289)
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