[tkined] snmp not working on tkined NT - I need help

Jaques, Bob (BJaques@thinklinkinc.com)
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 18:27:20 -0800

Hi all

I installed the ncsoft kit for NT of Tkined. discovery works, IP functions
work like ping but I cannot
get snmp to work I bring up the snmp trouble tool click on a node I know has
snmp enabled
and I don't even get a window like I do with IP trouble functions. Any idea.
About the only thing
I did was I installed tcl kit first. It looks like the tkined from ncsoft
comes with tcl but I may be wrong
any ideas would be appreciated. I did install and use the previous NT kit
that was available but now
the pointers for NT seem to go t ncsoft.

Bob Jaques
Director, Technical Operations

ThinkLink Inc.
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