[tkined] Scotty v3.0.0 for win32

Frank Harper (Frank.Harper@turbomeca.fr)
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 10:08:40 +0100

I've been running the Snapshot Release 4. July 1999 on NT since
September, and I really like it.

I have noticed some bugs in tkined (normal it's alpha), and I was
wondering where they should be reported?

Here are the main ones that I've noticed:
- the IP-Monitor task & menu will sometimes disappear with no error
- after a network problem (flash) sometimes an icon will remain red and
the label mysteriously gets set to rtt time.

I'm not using the cosmetic enhancements for NT done by NcSoft.

Frank Harper, TURBOMECA network manager
e-mail: Frank.Harper@turbomeca.fr
Tel: +33-559-12-52-18
Fax: +33-559-12-51-50

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