Re: [tkined] SNMP/trap question

From: Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 13:42:37 MET

>>>>> Jurkin Drazen writes:


Jurkin> It is a part of TCL script. And I can restart it several
Jurkin> times. And everything is OK. But sometimes I receive the
Jurkin> message:

Jurkin> can not bind socket: address already in use
Jurkin> while executing
Jurkin> "$sid bind trap {

Jurkin> Since I'm new in SNMP, please can you describe be what happens
Jurkin> in the line:

Jurkin> $sid bind trap {

The Scotty process (under Unix) is starting up nmtrapd (if not yet
running) and connects to it in order to actually receive traps. So the
error message comes from an attempt to reuse a transport endpoint
which the OS does believe is still in use. To say more, we need much
more details about what is happening (e.g. strace output from those
processes that are involved).
Jurkin> If I understood correctly, with "trap" functionality I can
Jurkin> catch errors from some SNMP agent on server side (like
Jurkin> Emanate) during reading or setting some MID ID values.

No. Errors that happen while reading or writing MIB objects are
signalled in the response PDU. A trap indicates that some asynchronous
event has happened on the agent.

Jurkin> If it is, please can you explain me these two lines:

Jurkin> puts "\nReceived SNMP PDU %T:\nRequest-Id %R in session %S
Jurkin> from %A port %P"

Jurkin> puts "\nContents: %V\nError status: %E ---Error index: %I\n
Jurkin> Traps received so far: $iTrapRec"

Jurkin> I understand command "puts" (it's simple TCL command, but what
Jurkin> happens between " ... ". What is %T, %R, %S etc.

See the snmp(n) manual page.


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