[tkined] resend: warnings and a problem in tnmMapEvent:EvalBinding

From: Pete Flugstad (pete_flugstad@icon-labs.com)
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 16:18:33 MET DST

[I sent this Friday, but I never got it back, and I got no
 replies, so I'm resending]

Okay, I am building scotty for win32 (host is Windows NT) and while
it's building, I'm going through and cleaning up some warnigs the
VC++ 6.0 compiler spit out. Here's the compiler banner:

  Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12.00.8168 for 80x86

I'm working with a snapshot from the scotty CVS tree from today.

I used the binary installer from Scriptics to install Tcl 8.3.2
as D:\Tcl. I included the header files of course.

I've got a couple of warnings so far that I think need to be
addressed. First, it kept complaining about:

   .\..\tnm\generic\tnmInt.h(71) : warning C4273: 'stat' : inconsistent dll linkage.
                                   dllexport assumed.

This code is:

  EXTERN int
  TnmStat _ANSI_ARGS_((CONST char *path, struct stat *buf));

I believe this is related to the following #if, just above that:

  #define TnmStat TclStat
  #define TnmStat stat

This #if fials, so TnmStat is #def'd to be "stat", which is
causing the warning above.

In looking through the Tcl header files, I find TclStat there, so
I'm guessing the #if should be:


at the very least?

It also complains about various other minor things: signed/unsigned comparisons,
passing NULL and various other things that are mostly innocuous. Is it worth
your while to send these as well?

But, it did spit out a error about:

  .\..\tnm\generic\tnmMapEvent.c(580) : warning C4700: local variable 'interp'
   used without having been initialized

Sure enough, I look there and:

    Tcl_Interp *interp;

    if (!eventPtr->mapPtr || !eventPtr->mapPtr->interp) {
        return TCL_OK;

    interp = eventPtr->mapPtr->interp;

Now, this seems very wrong to me? I think the order of the last
two lines needs to be reversed.

If I see anything else that looks bad, I'll send it.


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