IPv6 at the
Institute for Operating Systems & Computer Networks,
Technical University Braunschweig, Germany

This information is totally outdated, since we no longer play with IPv6 since summer, 1997. This URL has been published in some german magazines. If you picked it there and want to get more information on IPv6, you should look at the JOIN group at Uni Münster for information related to the german part of the 6bone or at the 6bone Homepage for information in general about IPv6.

General IPv6 information

One of the major places to look for information on IPng specifications and implementations is at http://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/html/. Since most of the specification stuff is to be found in form of internet drafts and RFCs, you may also search by keywords in our local internet document search engine, e.g. http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/cgi-bin/rfc?PATTERN=ipng|ipv6. The home page of the IETF IPNG working group (ipngwg) is also a good starting point and at http://www.join.uni-muenster.de/JOIN/ipv6/texte/doku.html you may find a good summary of links to whole bunch of RFCs.

If you prefer to read a good book, you may put an eye on IPng and the TCP/IP Protocols by Stephen A. Thomas, Wiley Computer Publishing, 1996.

6bone - an IPv6 Backbone

To test the interoperability of already existent implementations, a backbone is set up to interconnect IPv6 aware ``islands''. The JOIN group at Uni Münster is willing to manage to set up tunnels to this backbone, called ``6bone'', for people in the german scientific network (WiN). Another place to look at is the 6bone homepage at LBL. A registry of organisations participating in the 6bone is going to be managed at RIPE.

IPv6 Software

The software we actually work with, is a major kernel patch and some network administration utilities written mainly by Pedro Roque Marques for the Linux operating system. This code is also intergrated into the latest kernel releases, since 2.1.8. The Linux IPv6 software is available at ftp://ftp.ul.pt/pub/linux_stuff/IPv6/ and it's also mirrored by hand together with some other IPng stuff at ftp://ftp.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/pub/networking/IPv6/. The Linux IPv6 FAQ is available at http://www.terra.net/ipv6/ and a local copy at http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/~strauss/ipv6/linux-faq/.

Probably we may also take a look at the Solaris stuff, which can be found at http://playground.sun.com/pub/solaris2-ipv6/html/solaris2-ipv6.html.

6bone statistics and analysis

We generated some ICMPv6 statistics every hour based on the RIPE registry of operational IPv6 tunnels. And here are some rtt's meassured at the JOIN site and something similar at NIST.

Some publicly reachable IPv6 nodes

Frank Strauß / strauss@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de / # Accesses: / 4. Dezember 1996