Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  ** This file is part of the generic algorithm library Wiselib.           **
00003  ** Copyright (C) 2008,2009 by the Wisebed (www.wisebed.eu) project.      **
00004  **                                                                       **
00005  ** The Wiselib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify   **
00006  ** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as        **
00007  ** published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the    **
00008  ** License, or (at your option) any later version.                       **
00009  **                                                                       **
00010  ** The Wiselib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        **
00011  ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        **
00013  ** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   **
00014  **                                                                       **
00015  ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      **
00016  ** License along with the Wiselib.                                       **
00017  ** If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                           **
00018  ***************************************************************************/
00019 #ifndef __LAZY_H__
00020 #define __LAZY_H__
00021 #include "util/base_classes/routing_base.h"
00022 #include "lazy_message.h"
00024 namespace wiselib
00025 {
00036 template<   typename Os_P,
00037          typename Radio_P,
00038          typename Timer_P,
00039          typename Rand_P,
00040          typename Node_P,
00041          typename NodeList_P,
00042          typename Connectivity_P,
00043          typename ConnectivityList_P,
00044          typename Debug_P>
00045    class LazyType
00046       : public RoutingBase<Os_P, Radio_P>
00047    {
00048    public:
00049       typedef Os_P Os;
00050       typedef Radio_P Radio;
00051       typedef Timer_P Timer;
00052       typedef Rand_P Rand;
00053       typedef Debug_P Debug;
00054       typedef Node_P Node;
00055       typedef NodeList_P NodeList;
00056       typedef Connectivity_P Connectivity;
00057       typedef ConnectivityList_P ConnectivityList;
00058       typedef LazyType<Os, Radio, Timer, Rand, Node, NodeList, Connectivity, ConnectivityList, Debug> self_type;
00059       typedef typename NodeList::iterator NodeListIterator;
00060       typedef typename ConnectivityList::iterator ConnectivityListIterator;
00061       typedef typename Node::Position Position;
00062       typedef typename Node::Position::CoordinatesNumber CoordinatesNumber;
00063       typedef typename Radio::node_id_t node_id_t;
00064       typedef typename Radio::size_t size_t;
00065       typedef typename Radio::block_data_t block_data_t;
00066       typedef typename Radio::message_id_t message_id_t;
00067       typedef typename Timer::millis_t millis_t;
00068       typedef LazyMessageType<Os, Radio> Message;
00070                 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00071                 enum ErrorCodes
00072                 {
00073                  SUCCESS = Os::SUCCESS,
00074                  ERR_UNSPEC = Os::ERR_UNSPEC,
00075                  ERR_NETDOWN = Os::ERR_NETDOWN
00076                 };
00077                 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00078                 enum SpecialNodeIds
00079                 {
00080                  BROADCAST_ADDRESS = Radio_P::BROADCAST_ADDRESS, 
00081                  NULL_NODE_ID      = Radio_P::NULL_NODE_ID      
00082                 };
00083                 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00084                 enum Restrictions
00085                 {
00086                  MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = Radio_P::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - Message::PAYLOAD_POS  
00087                 };
00088                 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00090       LazyType();
00091       ~LazyType();
00092       void enable( void );
00093       void disable( void );
00094       uint8_t decision_lazy( Node, node_id_t );
00095       void send_neighbor_discovery( void* );
00096       void send_vicinity_discovery( void* );
00097       void send_greedy( void* );
00098       void send( node_id_t, size_t, block_data_t*, message_id_t );
00099       void receive( node_id_t, size_t, block_data_t* );
00100       void store_neighbor( Node );
00101       void store_vicinity( Connectivity );
00102       void print_neighbors( void* );
00103       void print_vicinity( void* );
00104       void filter_vicinity( void* );
00105       void init( Radio& radio, Timer& timer, Debug& debug, Rand& rand )
00106       {
00107          radio_ = &radio;
00108          debug_ = &debug;
00109          timer_ = &timer;
00110          rand_ = &rand;
00111       }
00112       inline void set_self( Node _n, NodeList _nl )
00113       {
00114          self.set_node(_n );
00115          self.set_vicinity_list( _nl );
00116       }
00117       inline void set_self( Node _n )
00118       {
00119          self.set_node(_n );
00120       }
00121       inline void set_neighbor_discovery_timer( millis_t _t )
00122       {
00123          neighbor_discovery_timer = _t;
00124       }
00125       inline void set_vicinity_discovery_timer( millis_t _t )
00126       {
00127          vicinity_discovery_timer = _t;
00128       }
00129       inline Connectivity* get_self( void )
00130       {
00131          return &self;
00132       }
00133       inline millis_t get_neighbor_discovery_timer( void )
00134       {
00135          return neighbor_discovery_timer;
00136       }
00137       inline millis_t get_vicinity_discovery_timer( void )
00138       {
00139          return vicinity_discovery_timer;
00140       }
00141       inline millis_t get_ready_time( void )
00142       {
00143          return neighbor_discovery_timer + vicinity_discovery_timer + vicinity_filter_timer;
00144       }
00145       inline void set_destination ( const Position& _p )
00146       {
00147          destination = _p;
00148       }
00149       void destruct() 
00150       {}
00151       Radio& radio()
00152       { 
00153          return *radio_; 
00154       }
00155       Debug& debug()
00156       {
00157          return *debug_; 
00158       }
00159       Timer& timer()
00160       {
00161          return *timer_;
00162       }
00163       Rand& rand()
00164       {
00165          return *rand_;
00166       }
00167    private:
00169       Radio* radio_;
00170       Debug* debug_;
00171       Timer* timer_;
00172       Rand* rand_;
00173       enum MessageIds
00174       {
00175          LAZY_NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERY = 31,
00176          LAZY_VICINITY_DISCOVERY = 32,
00177          LAZY_GREEDY_MESSAGE = 33
00178       };
00179       int callback_id_;
00180       Connectivity self;
00181       ConnectivityList vicinity;
00182       ConnectivityList filtered_vicinity;
00183       millis_t neighbor_discovery_timer;
00184       millis_t vicinity_discovery_timer;
00185       millis_t vicinity_filter_timer;
00186       Position destination;
00187       };
00188    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00189       template<   typename Os_P,
00190                typename Radio_P,
00191                typename Timer_P,
00192                typename Rand_P,
00193                typename Node_P,
00194                typename NodeList_P,
00195                typename Connectivity_P,
00196                typename ConnectivityList_P,
00197                typename Debug_P>
00198    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00199 	LazyType()
00200    : callback_id_  ( 0 )
00201    {}
00202    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00203    template<   typename Os_P,
00204             typename Radio_P,
00205             typename Timer_P,
00206             typename Rand_P,
00207             typename Node_P,
00208             typename NodeList_P,
00209             typename Connectivity_P,
00210             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00211             typename Debug_P>
00212    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00213 	~LazyType()
00214    {}
00215    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00216    template<   typename Os_P,
00217             typename Radio_P,
00218             typename Timer_P,
00219             typename Rand_P,
00220             typename Node_P,
00221             typename NodeList_P,
00222             typename Connectivity_P,
00223             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00224             typename Debug_P>
00225    void
00226    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00227 	enable( void )
00228    {      
00229       radio().enable_radio();
00230       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Boot \n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00231       callback_id_ = radio().template reg_recv_callback<self_type, &self_type::receive>( this );
00232       millis_t ndt = rand()()%neighbor_discovery_timer;
00233       timer().template set_timer<self_type, &self_type::send_neighbor_discovery>( ndt, this, 0);
00234       millis_t vdt = rand()()%vicinity_discovery_timer;
00235       timer().template set_timer<self_type, &self_type::send_vicinity_discovery>( vdt + neighbor_discovery_timer, this, 0);
00236       vicinity_filter_timer = vicinity_discovery_timer + neighbor_discovery_timer + 2000;
00237       timer().template set_timer<self_type, &self_type::filter_vicinity>( vicinity_filter_timer, this, 0);
00238       //timer().template set_timer<self_type, &self_type::print_neighbors>( vicinity_discovery_timer + neighbor_discovery_timer + 5000, this, 0);
00239       //timer().template set_timer<self_type, &self_type::print_vicinity>( vicinity_discovery_timer + neighbor_discovery_timer + 15000, this, 0);
00242    }
00243    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00244    template<   typename Os_P,
00245             typename Radio_P,
00246             typename Timer_P,
00247             typename Rand_P,
00248             typename Node_P,
00249             typename NodeList_P,
00250             typename Connectivity_P,
00251             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00252             typename Debug_P>
00253    void
00254    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00255 	disable( void )
00256    {
00257       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Disable \n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00258       radio().unreg_recv_callback( callback_id_ );
00259       radio().disable();
00260    }
00261    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00262    template<   typename Os_P,
00263             typename Radio_P,
00264             typename Timer_P,
00265             typename Rand_P,
00266             typename Node_P,
00267             typename NodeList_P,
00268             typename Connectivity_P,
00269             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00270             typename Debug_P>
00271    void
00272    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00273 	send( node_id_t destination, size_t len, block_data_t *data, message_id_t msg_id )
00274    {
00275       Message message;
00276       message.set_msg_id( msg_id );
00277       message.set_payload( len, data );
00278       radio().send( destination, message.buffer_size(), (uint8_t*)&message );
00279    }
00280    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00281    template<   typename Os_P,
00282             typename Radio_P,
00283             typename Timer_P,
00284             typename Rand_P,
00285             typename Node_P,
00286             typename NodeList_P,
00287             typename Connectivity_P,
00288             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00289             typename Debug_P>
00290    void
00291    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00292 	send_neighbor_discovery( void* userdata )
00293    {
00294       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Entered Send Neighbor Discovery Message\n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00295       size_t len = self.get_node().get_buffer_size();
00296       block_data_t buf[Radio::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
00297       block_data_t* buff = buf;
00298       self.get_node().set_buffer_from( buff );
00299       send( Radio::BROADCAST_ADDRESS, len, (uint8_t*)buff, LAZY_NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERY );
00300    }
00301    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00302    template<   typename Os_P,
00303             typename Radio_P,
00304             typename Timer_P,
00305             typename Rand_P,
00306             typename Node_P,
00307             typename NodeList_P,
00308             typename Connectivity_P,
00309             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00310             typename Debug_P>
00311    void
00312    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00313 	send_vicinity_discovery( void* userdata )
00314    {
00315       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Entered Send Vicinity Discovery Message\n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00316       self.print( debug() );
00317       size_t len = self.get_buffer_size();
00318       block_data_t buf[Radio::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
00319       block_data_t* buff = buf;
00320       self.set_buffer_from( buff );
00321       send( Radio::BROADCAST_ADDRESS, len, (uint8_t*)buff, LAZY_VICINITY_DISCOVERY );
00322    }
00323    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00324    template<   typename Os_P,
00325             typename Radio_P,
00326             typename Timer_P,
00327             typename Rand_P,
00328             typename Node_P,
00329             typename NodeList_P,
00330             typename Connectivity_P,
00331             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00332             typename Debug_P>
00333    void
00334    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00335 	receive( node_id_t from, size_t len, block_data_t *data )
00336    {  
00338       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Entered Receive\n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00339       message_id_t msg_id = *data;
00340       Message* message = (Message*)data;
00341       if (msg_id == LAZY_NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERY )
00342       {
00343          debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Received neighbor discovery message from %x of size %i \n", self.get_node().get_id(), from, len );
00344          store_neighbor( Node( message->payload() ) );
00345       }
00346       else if (msg_id == LAZY_VICINITY_DISCOVERY )
00347       {
00348          debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Received vicinity discovery message from %x of size %i \n", self.get_node().get_id(), from, len );
00349          store_vicinity( Connectivity( message->payload() ) );
00350       }
00351       else if (msg_id == LAZY_GREEDY_MESSAGE )
00352       {
00353          debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Received lazy greedy message from %x of size %i \n", self.get_node().get_id(), from, len );
00354          Node rec_n = Node( message->payload() );
00355          if ( decision_lazy( rec_n, from ) )
00356          {
00357             void* tmp;
00358             send_greedy( tmp );
00359          }
00360       }
00361    }
00362    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00363    template<   typename Os_P,
00364             typename Radio_P,
00365             typename Timer_P,
00366             typename Rand_P,
00367             typename Node_P,
00368             typename NodeList_P,
00369             typename Connectivity_P,
00370             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00371             typename Debug_P>
00372    uint8_t
00373    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00374 	decision_lazy( Node n, node_id_t from )
00375    {
00376       CoordinatesNumber current_distance =  n.get_position().distsq( self.get_node().get_position() );
00377       CoordinatesNumber min_distance = current_distance;
00378       CoordinatesNumber candidate_distance;
00379       node_id_t candidate_id = self.get_node().get_id();
00380       for ( ConnectivityListIterator i = filtered_vicinity.begin(); i != filtered_vicinity.end(); ++i )
00381       {
00382          if ( from == i->get_node().get_id() )
00383          {
00384             for ( NodeListIterator j =  ( *i->get_node_list() ).begin(); j != ( *i->get_node_list() ).end(); ++j )
00385             {
00386                candidate_distance = n.get_position().distsq( j->get_position() );
00387                if (min_distance >= candidate_distance )
00388                {
00389                   return 0;
00390                }
00391             }
00392          }
00393       }
00394       return 1;
00395    }
00396    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00397    template<   typename Os_P,
00398             typename Radio_P,
00399             typename Timer_P,
00400             typename Rand_P,
00401             typename Node_P,
00402             typename NodeList_P,
00403             typename Connectivity_P,
00404             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00405             typename Debug_P>
00406    void
00407    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00408 	store_neighbor( Node _n )
00409    {
00410       NodeListIterator i = ( *self.get_node_list() ).begin();
00411       while ( i != ( *self.get_node_list() ).end() )
00412       {
00413          if ( i->get_id() == _n.get_id() )
00414          {
00415             ( *self.get_node_list() ).erase( i );
00416             ( *self.get_node_list() ).push_back( _n );
00417             return;
00418          }
00419          ++i;
00420       }
00421       ( *self.get_node_list() ).push_back( _n );
00422    }
00423    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00424    template<   typename Os_P,
00425             typename Radio_P,
00426             typename Timer_P,
00427             typename Rand_P,
00428             typename Node_P,
00429             typename NodeList_P,
00430             typename Connectivity_P,
00431             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00432             typename Debug_P>
00433    void
00434    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00435 	store_vicinity( Connectivity _c )
00436    {
00437       ConnectivityListIterator i = vicinity.begin();
00438       while ( i != vicinity.end() )
00439       {
00440          if ( i->get_node().get_id() == _c.get_node().get_id() )
00441          {
00442             vicinity.erase( i );
00443             vicinity.push_back( _c );
00444             return;
00445          }
00446          ++i;
00447       }
00448       vicinity.push_back( _c );
00449    }
00450    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00451    template<   typename Os_P,
00452             typename Radio_P,
00453             typename Timer_P,
00454             typename Rand_P,
00455             typename Node_P,
00456             typename NodeList_P,
00457             typename Connectivity_P,
00458             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00459             typename Debug_P>
00460    void
00461    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00462 	print_neighbors( void* userdata )
00463    {
00464       self.print( debug() );
00465    }
00466    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00467    template<   typename Os_P,
00468             typename Radio_P,
00469             typename Timer_P,
00470             typename Rand_P,
00471             typename Node_P,
00472             typename NodeList_P,
00473             typename Connectivity_P,
00474             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00475             typename Debug_P>
00476    void
00477    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00478 	print_vicinity( void* userdata )
00479    {
00480       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Printing filtered vicinity: \n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00481       for ( ConnectivityListIterator i = filtered_vicinity.begin(); i!=filtered_vicinity.end(); ++i )
00482       {
00483          i->print( debug() );
00484       }
00485    }
00486    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00487    template<   typename Os_P,
00488             typename Radio_P,
00489             typename Timer_P,
00490             typename Rand_P,
00491             typename Node_P,
00492             typename NodeList_P,
00493             typename Connectivity_P,
00494             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00495             typename Debug_P>
00496    void
00497    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00498 	filter_vicinity( void* userdata )
00499    {
00500       for ( NodeListIterator ni = ( *self.get_node_list() ).begin(); ni != ( *self.get_node_list() ).end(); ++ni )
00501       {
00502          Connectivity element;
00503          element.set_node( *ni );
00504          for ( ConnectivityListIterator cli = vicinity.begin(); cli != vicinity.end(); ++cli )
00505          {
00506             if ( ni->get_id() == cli->get_node().get_id() )
00507             {
00508                for ( NodeListIterator nli = ( *cli->get_node_list() ).begin(); nli != ( *cli->get_node_list() ).end(); ++nli )
00509                {
00510                   for ( NodeListIterator ni_in = ( *self.get_node_list() ).begin(); ni_in != ( *self.get_node_list() ).end(); ++ni_in )
00511                   {
00512                      if ( ni_in->get_id() == nli->get_id() )
00513                      {
00514                         ( *element.get_node_list() ).push_back( *nli );
00515                      }
00516                   }
00517                }
00518             }
00519          }
00520          filtered_vicinity.push_back( element );
00521       }
00522    }
00523    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00524    template<   typename Os_P,
00525             typename Radio_P,
00526             typename Timer_P,
00527             typename Rand_P,
00528             typename Node_P,
00529             typename NodeList_P,
00530             typename Connectivity_P,
00531             typename ConnectivityList_P,
00532             typename Debug_P>
00533    void
00534    LazyType<Os_P, Radio_P, Timer_P, Rand_P, Node_P, NodeList_P, Connectivity_P, ConnectivityList_P, Debug_P>::
00535 	send_greedy( void* userdata )
00536    {
00537       debug().debug( "Lazy %x: Entered Send Greedy Message\n", self.get_node().get_id() );
00538       Node msg_node = Node ( self.get_node().get_id(), destination );
00539       size_t len = msg_node.get_buffer_size();
00540       block_data_t buf[Radio::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
00541       block_data_t* buff = buf;
00542       msg_node.set_buffer_from( buff );
00543       send( Radio::BROADCAST_ADDRESS, len, (uint8_t*)buff, LAZY_GREEDY_MESSAGE );
00544    }
00545 }
00546 #endif
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