IBR-DTNSuite  0.8
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00003  Copyright (c) 1998-2006, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
00007  The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
00008  form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
00010    1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
00011       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
00013    2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
00014       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
00015       in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
00017    3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
00018       built using this software without specific written permission.
00020  ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
00021  may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
00022  in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
00026  This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
00027  in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
00028  and/or fitness for purpose.
00029  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00030  Issue Date: 13/10/2006
00031 */
00033 /*  This file changed 5 June 2007 to reflect name change  
00034     of included file from "aes.h" to "gcm_aes.h"
00035     Changed by Peter Lovell, SPARTA Inc., for DTN project.
00036 */
00038 #ifndef _GCM_H
00039 #define _GCM_H
00041 /*  This define sets the memory alignment that will be used for fast move
00042     and xor operations on buffers when the alignment matches this value. 
00043 */
00044 #if !defined( BFR_UNIT )
00045 #  if 1
00046 #    define BFR_UNIT 64
00047 #  elif 0
00048 #    define BFR_UNIT 32
00049 #  else
00050 #    define BFR_UNIT  8
00051 #  endif
00052 #endif
00054 #include "gcm_aes.h"
00055 #include "gf128mul.h"
00057 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00058 extern "C"
00059 {
00060 #endif
00062 /*  After encryption or decryption operations the return value of
00063     'compute tag' will be one of the values RETURN_OK, RETURN_WARN
00064     or RETURN_ERROR, the latter indicating an error. A return value
00065     RETURN_OK indicates that both encryption and authentication
00066     have taken place and resulted in the returned tag value. If
00067     the returned value is RETURN_WARN, the tag value is the result
00068     of authentication alone without encryption (CCM) or decryption
00069     (GCM and EAX).
00070 */
00071 #ifndef RETURN_OK
00072 # define RETURN_WARN      1
00073 # define RETURN_OK        0
00074 # define RETURN_ERROR    -1
00075 #endif
00077 typedef int  ret_type;
00078 dec_unit_type(BFR_UNIT, buf_unit);
00079 dec_bufr_type(BFR_UNIT, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, buf_type);
00083 /* The GCM-AES  context  */
00085 typedef struct
00086 {
00087 #if defined( TABLES_64K )
00088     uint_32t        gf_t64k[16][256][GCM_BLOCK_SIZE / 4];
00089 #endif
00090 #if defined( TABLES_8K )
00091     uint_32t        gf_t8k[32][16][GCM_BLOCK_SIZE / 4];
00092 #endif
00093 #if defined( TABLES_4K )
00094     uint_32t        gf_t4k[256][GCM_BLOCK_SIZE / 4];
00095 #endif
00096 #if defined( TABLES_256 )
00097     uint_32t        gf_t256[16][GCM_BLOCK_SIZE / 4];
00098 #endif
00099     buf_type        ctr_val;                    /* CTR counter value            */
00100     buf_type        enc_ctr;                    /* encrypted CTR block          */
00101     buf_type        hdr_ghv;                    /* ghash buffer (header)        */
00102     buf_type        txt_ghv;                    /* ghash buffer (ciphertext)    */
00103     buf_type        ghash_h;                    /* ghash H value                */
00104     aes_encrypt_ctx aes[1];                     /* AES encryption context       */
00105     uint_32t        y0_val;                     /* initial counter value        */
00106     uint_32t        hdr_cnt;                    /* header bytes so far          */
00107     uint_32t        txt_ccnt;                   /* text bytes so far (encrypt)  */
00108     uint_32t        txt_acnt;                   /* text bytes so far (auth)     */
00109 } gcm_ctx;
00111 /* The following calls handle mode initialisation, keying and completion        */
00113 ret_type gcm_init_and_key(                      /* initialise mode and set key  */
00114             const unsigned char key[],          /* the key value                */
00115             unsigned long key_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00116             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00118 ret_type gcm_end(                               /* clean up and end operation   */
00119             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00121 /* The following calls handle complete messages in memory in a single operation */
00123 ret_type gcm_encrypt_message(                   /* encrypt an entire message    */
00124             const unsigned char iv[],           /* the initialisation vector    */
00125             unsigned long iv_len,               /* and its length in bytes      */
00126             const unsigned char hdr[],          /* the header buffer            */
00127             unsigned long hdr_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00128             unsigned char msg[],                /* the message buffer           */
00129             unsigned long msg_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00130             unsigned char tag[],                /* the buffer for the tag       */
00131             unsigned long tag_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00132             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00134                                     /* RETURN_OK is returned if the input tag   */
00135                                     /* matches that for the decrypted message   */
00136 ret_type gcm_decrypt_message(                   /* decrypt an entire message    */
00137             const unsigned char iv[],           /* the initialisation vector    */
00138             unsigned long iv_len,               /* and its length in bytes      */
00139             const unsigned char hdr[],          /* the header buffer            */
00140             unsigned long hdr_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00141             unsigned char msg[],                /* the message buffer           */
00142             unsigned long msg_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00143             const unsigned char tag[],          /* the buffer for the tag       */
00144             unsigned long tag_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00145             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00147 /* The following calls handle messages in a sequence of operations followed by  */
00148 /* tag computation after the sequence has been completed. In these calls the    */
00149 /* user is responsible for verfiying the computed tag on decryption             */
00151 ret_type gcm_init_message(                      /* initialise a new message     */
00152             const unsigned char iv[],           /* the initialisation vector    */
00153             unsigned long iv_len,               /* and its length in bytes      */
00154             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00156 ret_type gcm_auth_header(                       /* authenticate the header      */
00157             const unsigned char hdr[],          /* the header buffer            */
00158             unsigned long hdr_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00159             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00161 ret_type gcm_encrypt(                           /* encrypt & authenticate data  */
00162             unsigned char data[],               /* the data buffer              */
00163             unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
00164             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00166 ret_type gcm_decrypt(                           /* authenticate & decrypt data  */
00167             unsigned char data[],               /* the data buffer              */
00168             unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
00169             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00171 ret_type gcm_compute_tag(                       /* compute authentication tag   */
00172             unsigned char tag[],                /* the buffer for the tag       */
00173             unsigned long tag_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
00174             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00176 /*  The use of the following calls should be avoided if possible because their
00177     use requires a very good understanding of the way this encryption mode
00178     works and the way in which this code implements it in order to use them
00179     correctly.
00181     The gcm_auth_data routine is used to authenticate encrypted message data.
00182     In message encryption gcm_crypt_data must be called before gcm_auth_data
00183     is called since it is encrypted data that is authenticated.  In message
00184     decryption authentication must occur before decryption and data can be
00185     authenticated without being decrypted if necessary.
00187     If these calls are used it is up to the user to ensure that these routines
00188     are called in the correct order and that the correct data is passed to them.
00190     When gcm_compute_tag is called it is assumed that an error in use has
00191     occurred if both encryption (or decryption) and authentication have taken
00192     place but the total lengths of the message data respectively authenticated
00193     and encrypted are not the same. If authentication has taken place but there
00194     has been no corresponding encryption or decryption operations (none at all)
00195     only a warning is issued. This should be treated as an error if it occurs
00196     during encryption but it is only signalled as a warning as it might be
00197     intentional when decryption operations are involved (this avoids having
00198     different compute tag functions for encryption and decryption).  Decryption
00199     operations can be undertaken freely after authetication but if the tag is
00200     computed after such operations an error will be signalled if the lengths of
00201     the data authenticated and decrypted don't match.
00202 */
00204 ret_type gcm_auth_data(                         /* authenticate ciphertext data */
00205             const unsigned char data[],         /* the data buffer              */
00206             unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
00207             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00209 ret_type gcm_crypt_data(                        /* encrypt or decrypt data      */
00210             unsigned char data[],               /* the data buffer              */
00211             unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
00212             gcm_ctx ctx[1]);                    /* the mode context             */
00214 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00215 }
00216 #endif
00218 #endif