Contiki 2.5


#define NIC_BSR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0E)
 Bank select register.
#define NIC_TCR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00)
 Bank 0 - Transmit control register.
#define TCR_SWFDUP   0x8000
#define TCR_EPH_LOOP   0x2000
#define TCR_STP_SQET   0x1000
#define TCR_FDUPLX   0x0800
#define TCR_MON_CSN   0x0400
#define TCR_NOCRC   0x0100
#define TCR_PAD_EN   0x0080
#define TCR_FORCOL   0x0004
#define TCR_LOOP   0x0002
#define TCR_TXENA   0x0001
#define NIC_EPHSR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02)
 Bank 0 - EPH status register.
#define NIC_RCR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x04)
 Bank 0 - Receive control register.
#define RCR_SOFT_RST   0x8000
#define RCR_FILT_CAR   0x4000
#define RCR_ABORT_ENB   0x2000
#define RCR_STRIP_CRC   0x0200
#define RCR_RXEN   0x0100
#define RCR_ALMUL   0x0004
#define RCR_PRMS   0x0002
#define RCR_RX_ABORT   0x0001
#define NIC_ECR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x06)
 Bank 0 - Counter register.
#define NIC_MIR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x08)
 Bank 0 - Memory information register.
#define NIC_RPCR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0A)
 Bank 0 - Receive / PHY control register.
#define RPCR_SPEED   0x2000
#define RPCR_DPLX   0x1000
#define RPCR_ANEG   0x0800
#define RPCR_LEDA_PAT   0x0000
#define RPCR_LEDB_PAT   0x0010
#define NIC_CR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00)
 Bank 1 - Configuration register.
#define CR_EPH_EN   0x8000
#define NIC_BAR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02)
 Bank 1 - Base address register.
#define NIC_IAR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x04)
 Bank 1 - Individual address register.
#define NIC_GPR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0A)
 Bank 1 - General purpose register.
#define NIC_CTR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C)
 Bank 1 - Control register.
#define CTR_RCV_BAD   0x4000
#define CTR_AUTO_RELEASE   0x0800
#define NIC_MMUCR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00)
 Bank 2 - MMU command register.
#define NIC_PNR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02)
 Bank 2 - Packet number register. More...
#define NIC_ARR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x03)
 Bank 2 - Allocation result register. More...
#define NIC_FIFO   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x04)
 Bank 2 - FIFO ports register.
#define NIC_PTR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x06)
 Bank 2 - Pointer register.
#define NIC_DATA   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x08)
 Bank 2 - Data register.
#define NIC_IST   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C)
 Bank 2 - Interrupt status register.
#define NIC_ACK   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C)
 Bank 2 - Interrupt acknowledge register.
#define NIC_MSK   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0D)
 Bank 2 - Interrupt mask register.
#define INT_MD   0x80
#define INT_ERCV   0x40
#define INT_EPH   0x20
#define INT_RX_OVRN   0x10
#define INT_ALLOC   0x08
#define INT_TX_EMPTY   0x04
#define INT_TX   0x02
#define INT_RCV   0x01
#define NIC_MT   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00)
 Bank 3 - Multicast table register.
#define NIC_MGMT   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x08)
 Bank 3 - Management interface register.
#define MGMT_MDOE   0x08
#define MGMT_MCLK   0x04
#define MGMT_MDI   0x02
#define MGMT_MDO   0x01
#define NIC_REV   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0A)
 Bank 3 - Revision register.
#define NIC_ERCV   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C)
 Bank 3 - Early RCV register.
#define NIC_PHYCR   0
 PHY control register.
#define PHYCR_RST   0x8000
#define PHYCR_LPBK   0x4000
#define PHYCR_SPEED   0x2000
#define PHYCR_ANEG_EN   0x1000
#define PHYCR_PDN   0x0800
#define PHYCR_MII_DIS   0x0400
#define PHYCR_ANEG_RST   0x0200
#define PHYCR_DPLX   0x0100
#define PHYCR_COLST   0x0080
#define NIC_PHYSR   1
 PHY status register.
#define PHYSR_CAP_T4   0x8000
#define PHYSR_CAP_TXF   0x4000
#define PHYSR_CAP_TXH   0x2000
#define PHYSR_CAP_TF   0x1000
#define PHYSR_CAP_TH   0x0800
#define PHYSR_CAP_SUPR   0x0040
#define PHYSR_ANEG_ACK   0x0020
#define PHYSR_REM_FLT   0x0010
#define PHYSR_CAP_ANEG   0x0008
#define PHYSR_LINK   0x0004
#define PHYSR_JAB   0x0002
#define PHYSR_EXREG   0x0001
#define NIC_PHYID1   2
 PHY identifier register 1.
#define NIC_PHYID2   3
 PHY identifier register 1.
#define NIC_PHYANAD   4
 PHY auto-negotiation advertisement register.
#define PHYANAD_NP   0x8000
#define PHYANAD_ACK   0x4000
#define PHYANAD_RF   0x2000
#define PHYANAD_T4   0x0200
#define PHYANAD_TX_FDX   0x0100
#define PHYANAD_TX_HDX   0x0080
#define PHYANAD_10FDX   0x0040
#define PHYANAD_10_HDX   0x0020
#define PHYANAD_CSMA   0x0001
#define NIC_PHYANRC   5
 PHY auto-negotiation remote end capability register.
#define NIC_PHYCFR1   16
 PHY configuration register 1.
#define NIC_PHYCFR2   17
 PHY configuration register 2.
#define NIC_PHYSOR   18
 PHY status output register.
#define PHYSOR_INT   0x8000
#define PHYSOR_LNKFAIL   0x4000
#define PHYSOR_LOSSSYNC   0x2000
#define PHYSOR_CWRD   0x1000
#define PHYSOR_SSD   0x0800
#define PHYSOR_ESD   0x0400
#define PHYSOR_RPOL   0x0200
#define PHYSOR_JAB   0x0100
#define PHYSOR_SPDDET   0x0080
#define PHYSOR_DPLXDET   0x0040
#define NIC_PHYMSK   19
 PHY mask register.
#define PHYMSK_MINT   0x8000
#define PHYMSK_MLNKFAIL   0x4000
#define PHYMSK_MLOSSSYN   0x2000
#define PHYMSK_MCWRD   0x1000
#define PHYMSK_MSSD   0x0800
#define PHYMSK_MESD   0x0400
#define PHYMSK_MRPOL   0x0200
#define PHYMSK_MJAB   0x0100
#define PHYMSK_MSPDDT   0x0080
#define PHYMSK_MDPLDT   0x0040

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CR_EPH_EN   0x8000

NIC_CR bit mask, .

Definition at line 241 of file lanc111.c.

#define CTR_AUTO_RELEASE   0x0800

NIC_CTR bit mask, transmit packets automatically released.

Definition at line 264 of file lanc111.c.

#define CTR_RCV_BAD   0x4000

NIC_CTR bit mask.

Definition at line 263 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_ALLOC   0x08

Transmit allocation interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 338 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_EPH   0x20

Ethernet protocol interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 336 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_ERCV   0x40

Early receive interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 335 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_MD   0x80

PHY state change interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 334 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_RCV   0x01

Receive interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 341 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_RX_OVRN   0x10

Receive overrun interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 337 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_TX   0x02

Transmit complete interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 340 of file lanc111.c.

#define INT_TX_EMPTY   0x04

Transmitter empty interrupt bit mask.

Definition at line 339 of file lanc111.c.

#define MGMT_MCLK   0x04

NIC_MGMT bit mask, drives MDCLK pin.

Definition at line 354 of file lanc111.c.

#define MGMT_MDI   0x02

NIC_MGMT bit mask, reflects MDI pin status.

Definition at line 355 of file lanc111.c.

#define MGMT_MDO   0x01

NIC_MGMT bit mask, drives MDO pin.

Definition at line 356 of file lanc111.c.

#define MGMT_MDOE   0x08

NIC_MGMT bit mask, enables MDO pin.

Definition at line 353 of file lanc111.c.

#define NIC_ARR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x03)

Bank 2 - Allocation result register.

This byte register is updated upon a MMU_ALO command.

Definition at line 294 of file lanc111.c.

#define NIC_PNR   (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02)

Bank 2 - Packet number register.

This byte register specifies the accessible transmit packet number.

Definition at line 287 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_10_HDX   0x0020

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T half duplex capability.

Definition at line 425 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_10FDX   0x0040

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T full duplex capability.

Definition at line 424 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_ACK   0x4000

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, acknowledged.

Definition at line 419 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_CSMA   0x0001

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 802.3 CSMA capability.

Definition at line 426 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_NP   0x8000

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, exchanging next page information.

Definition at line 418 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_RF   0x2000

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, remote fault.

Definition at line 420 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_T4   0x0200

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 100BASE-T4 capability.

Definition at line 421 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_TX_FDX   0x0100

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX full duplex capability.

Definition at line 422 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYANAD_TX_HDX   0x0080

NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX half duplex capability.

Definition at line 423 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_ANEG_EN   0x1000

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 376 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_ANEG_RST   0x0200

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 379 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_COLST   0x0080

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 381 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_DPLX   0x0100

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 380 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_LPBK   0x4000

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 374 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_MII_DIS   0x0400

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 378 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_PDN   0x0800

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 377 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_RST   0x8000

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, resets PHY.

Definition at line 373 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYCR_SPEED   0x2000

NIC_PHYCR bit mask, .

Definition at line 375 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MCWRD   0x1000

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_CWRD interrupt.

Definition at line 467 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MDPLDT   0x0040

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_DPLXDET interrupt.

Definition at line 473 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MESD   0x0400

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_ESD interrupt.

Definition at line 469 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MINT   0x8000

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_INT interrupt.

Definition at line 464 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MJAB   0x0100

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_JAB interrupt.

Definition at line 471 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MLNKFAIL   0x4000

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_LNKFAIL interrupt.

Definition at line 465 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MLOSSSYN   0x2000

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_LOSSSYNC interrupt.

Definition at line 466 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MRPOL   0x0200

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_RPOL interrupt.

Definition at line 470 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MSPDDT   0x0080

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_SPDDET interrupt.

Definition at line 472 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYMSK_MSSD   0x0800

NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables PHYSOR_SSD interrupt.

Definition at line 468 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_CWRD   0x1000

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, code word error detected.

Definition at line 451 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_DPLXDET   0x0040

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, duplex detected.

Definition at line 457 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_ESD   0x0400

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, end of stream error detected.

Definition at line 453 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_INT   0x8000

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, interrupt bits changed.

Definition at line 448 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_JAB   0x0100

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, jabber detected.

Definition at line 455 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_LNKFAIL   0x4000

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, link failure detected.

Definition at line 449 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_LOSSSYNC   0x2000

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, descrambler sync lost detected.

Definition at line 450 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_RPOL   0x0200

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, reverse polarity detected.

Definition at line 454 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_SPDDET   0x0080

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, 100/10 speed detected.

Definition at line 456 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSOR_SSD   0x0800

NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, start of stream error detected.

Definition at line 452 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_ANEG_ACK   0x0020

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, auto-negotiation completed.

Definition at line 395 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_ANEG   0x0008

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates auto-negotiation capability.

Definition at line 397 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_SUPR   0x0040

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates preamble suppression capability.

Definition at line 394 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_T4   0x8000

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 100BASE-T4 capability.

Definition at line 389 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_TF   0x1000

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T full duplex capability.

Definition at line 392 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_TH   0x0800

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T half duplex capability.

Definition at line 393 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_TXF   0x4000

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX full duplex capability.

Definition at line 390 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_CAP_TXH   0x2000

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX half duplex capability.

Definition at line 391 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_EXREG   0x0001

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, extended capabilities available.

Definition at line 400 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_JAB   0x0002

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, jabber collision detected.

Definition at line 399 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_LINK   0x0004

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, valid link status.

Definition at line 398 of file lanc111.c.

#define PHYSR_REM_FLT   0x0010

NIC_PHYSR bit mask, remote fault detected.

Definition at line 396 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_ABORT_ENB   0x2000

NIC_RCR bit mask, enables receive abort on collision.

Definition at line 208 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_ALMUL   0x0004

NIC_RCR bit mask, multicast frames accepted when set.

Definition at line 211 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_FILT_CAR   0x4000

NIC_RCR bit mask, enables carrier filter.

Definition at line 207 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_PRMS   0x0002

NIC_RCR bit mask, enables promiscuous mode.

Definition at line 212 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_RX_ABORT   0x0001

NIC_RCR bit mask, set when receive was aborted.

Definition at line 213 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_RXEN   0x0100

NIC_RCR bit mask, enables receiver.

Definition at line 210 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_SOFT_RST   0x8000

NIC_RCR bit mask, activates software reset.

Definition at line 206 of file lanc111.c.

#define RCR_STRIP_CRC   0x0200

NIC_RCR bit mask, strips CRC.

Definition at line 209 of file lanc111.c.

#define RPCR_ANEG   0x0800

NIC_RPCR bit mask, sets PHY in auto-negotiation mode.

Definition at line 232 of file lanc111.c.

#define RPCR_DPLX   0x1000

NIC_RPCR bit mask, PHY operates at full duplex mode.

Definition at line 231 of file lanc111.c.

#define RPCR_LEDA_PAT   0x0000

NIC_RPCR bit mask for LEDA mode.

Definition at line 233 of file lanc111.c.

#define RPCR_LEDB_PAT   0x0010

NIC_RPCR bit mask for LEDB mode.

Definition at line 234 of file lanc111.c.

#define RPCR_SPEED   0x2000

NIC_RPCR bit mask, PHY operates at 100 Mbps.

Definition at line 230 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_EPH_LOOP   0x2000

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables internal loopback.

Definition at line 185 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_FDUPLX   0x0800

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables receiving own frames.

Definition at line 187 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_FORCOL   0x0004

NIC_TCR bit mask, forces collision.

Definition at line 191 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_LOOP   0x0002

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables PHY loopback.

Definition at line 192 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_MON_CSN   0x0400

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables carrier monitoring.

Definition at line 188 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_NOCRC   0x0100

NIC_TCR bit mask, disables CRC transmission.

Definition at line 189 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_PAD_EN   0x0080

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables automatic padding.

Definition at line 190 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_STP_SQET   0x1000

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables transmission stop on SQET error.

Definition at line 186 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_SWFDUP   0x8000

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables full duplex.

Definition at line 184 of file lanc111.c.

#define TCR_TXENA   0x0001

NIC_TCR bit mask, enables transmitter.

Definition at line 193 of file lanc111.c.