tkined as network inventory database

Charles Owens (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 14:36:09 -0500

Has anyone done anything to enhance the usage of tkined as a full-blown
database for network equipment inventory? My first thought is to create
some scripts of some sort (of course, knowing tcl might help...:-) to
shoe-horn the object data from the map files into a msql database and
visa versa. Has anyone done this? Any comments?

I was close to buying one of those PC Windows network mapper programs
(ClickNet or NetViz) before I stumbled upon tkined. If I can get it to
handle my inventory-tracking needs then I couldn't be happier....

Please cc: comments to me directly, as I may not be receiving this list

  Charles Owens					 Email:
                                       "I read somewhere to learn is to
  Information Technology Services     remember... and I've learned that
  Eastern Nazarene College            we've all forgot..."   - King's X