Re: [tkined] tkined future development

Allen J. Newton (
Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:42:58 -0600

John Stumbles wrote:
> Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 20:21:19 +0100 (BST)
> Subject: [tkined] tkined future development

> The more I use it and find out about it, the more I like it as a tool for
> investigating and monitoring the network. I'm not familiar enough with it
> to see clearly how it's structured and everything it can do so I'm
> probably missing stuff that's already there, but here are some suggestions
> for how it might develop:
> - separate monitoring from display, so tkineds are displays of views of
> the underlying monitoring/data collection processes. Other 'displays'
> could include report generators, pagers for alarms etc. Monitoring and
> colection carries on even if no displays are open. With .xbm -> .gif
> conversion one could think of easily using tkined to draw a network map
> which can be exported to a www page, with the web map following the status
> of the nodes being monitored (red = down). This could give an easy
> read-only display mechanism useful where you want e.g. users, advisors to
> have access to network status pictures but only network managers (using
> tkined) to change maps.

The only issue I could see with this solution is that even if the web map
dynamically followed the status of the nodes in a timely fashion, those
updates wouldn't appear on your browser unless you hit [Reload].

Anyone have any ideas on how to go about mitigating this concern?


Allen J. Newton  (  |  Voice:  505/844-7037
Sandia National Laboratories           +    FAX:  505/844-2067
P.O. Box 5800, MS-0807                 |
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0807             -----------------------
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