Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  ** This file is part of the generic algorithm library Wiselib.           **
00003  ** Copyright (C) 2008,2009 by the Wisebed (www.wisebed.eu) project.      **
00004  **                                                                       **
00005  ** The Wiselib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify   **
00006  ** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as        **
00007  ** published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the    **
00008  ** License, or (at your option) any later version.                       **
00009  **                                                                       **
00010  ** The Wiselib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        **
00011  ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        **
00013  ** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   **
00014  **                                                                       **
00015  ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      **
00016  ** License along with the Wiselib.                                       **
00017  ** If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                           **
00018  ***************************************************************************/
00022 #include "algorithms/localization/distance_based/neighborhood/localization_neighbor_info.h"
00023 #include "algorithms/localization/distance_based/math/localization_statistic.h"
00024 #include "algorithms/localization/distance_based/math/vec.h"
00025 #include "algorithms/localization/distance_based/util/localization_defutils.h"
00026 #include "util/pstl/map_static_vector.h"
00029 namespace wiselib
00030 {
00059    template<typename OsModel_P,
00060             typename node_id_t_P,
00061             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00062             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00063             typename Arithmatic_P >
00064    class LocalizationNeighborhood
00065    {
00067    public:
00068       typedef OsModel_P OsModel;
00069       typedef node_id_t_P node_id_t;
00071       typedef NeighborInfo_P NeighborInfo;
00072       typedef typename NeighborInfo::NodeSet NodeSet;
00073       typedef typename NeighborInfo::DistanceMap DistanceMap;
00075       typedef NeighborInfoMap_P NeighborInfoMap;
00076       typedef typename NeighborInfoMap::iterator NeighborhoodIterator;
00078       typedef Arithmatic_P Arithmatic;
00083       LocalizationNeighborhood();
00085       ~LocalizationNeighborhood();
00095       void set_source( node_id_t );
00098       node_id_t source( void );
00112       void update_anchor( node_id_t, Vec<Arithmatic>, Arithmatic = UNKNOWN_DISTANCE );
00119       void update_neighbor( node_id_t, Arithmatic );
00129       void update_nneighbor( node_id_t, node_id_t, Arithmatic );
00138       void update_nneighbors( node_id_t, DistanceMap& );
00151       void set_ref_node( node_id_t, node_id_t );
00164       void update_ref_node( node_id_t, node_id_t );
00172       template<typename NodeList_P>
00173       void update_ref_nodes( node_id_t node, const NodeList_P& nl )
00174       {
00175          NeighborhoodIterator it = find_w( node );
00176          if ( it == end_neighborhood() )
00177             return;
00179          it->second->clear_ref_nodes();
00180          it->second->ref_nodes_w().insert( nl.begin(), nl.end() );
00181       }
00184       NodeSet ref_nodes( void );
00187       void add_sound( node_id_t );
00195       bool is_sound( void );
00205       bool has_anchor( node_id_t );
00211       bool has_neighbor( node_id_t );
00218       bool has_nneighbor( node_id_t, node_id_t );
00228       bool has_valid_neighbor( node_id_t );
00240       bool has_valid_nneighbor( node_id_t, node_id_t );
00250       Arithmatic neighbor_distance( node_id_t );
00260       Arithmatic nneighbor_distance( node_id_t, node_id_t );
00263       DistanceMap neighbor_distance_map( void );
00275       int valid_anchor_cnt( void );
00282       int anchor_cnt();
00290       int confident_neighbor_cnt( void );
00299       Arithmatic avg_neighbor_confidence( void );
00314       void reassign_twins( Arithmatic );
00322       inline NeighborhoodIterator begin_neighborhood( void )
00323       { return neighborhood_.begin(); }
00326       inline NeighborhoodIterator end_neighborhood( void )
00327       { return neighborhood_.end(); }
00330       inline size_t size( void )
00331       { return neighborhood_.size(); }
00336       inline NeighborhoodIterator find( node_id_t node )
00337       { return neighborhood_.find( node ); }
00340       inline NeighborInfoMap get_neighborhood(void )
00341       { return neighborhood_; }
00343    private:
00344       NeighborInfoMap neighborhood_;
00345       NodeSet sounds_;
00347       int source_;
00348    };
00349    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00350    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00351    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00352    template<typename OsModel_P,
00353             typename node_id_t_P,
00354             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00355             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00356             typename Arithmatic_P>
00357    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00358    LocalizationNeighborhood()
00359    {}
00360    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00361    template<typename OsModel_P,
00362             typename node_id_t_P,
00363             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00364             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00365             typename Arithmatic_P
00366             >
00367    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00368    ~LocalizationNeighborhood()
00369    {}
00370    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00371    template<typename OsModel_P,
00372             typename node_id_t_P,
00373             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00374             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00375             typename Arithmatic_P>
00376    void
00377    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00378    set_source( node_id_t source )
00379    {
00380       source_ = source;
00381    }
00382    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00383    template<typename OsModel_P,
00384             typename node_id_t_P,
00385             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00386             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00387             typename Arithmatic_P>
00388    node_id_t_P
00389    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00390    source( void )
00391    {
00392       return source_;
00393    }
00394    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00395    template<typename OsModel_P,
00396             typename node_id_t_P,
00397             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00398             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00399             typename Arithmatic_P>
00400    void
00401    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00402    update_anchor( node_id_t node, Vec<Arithmatic> pos, Arithmatic distance )
00403    {
00404       NeighborhoodIterator it = find( node );
00405       if ( it != end_neighborhood() )
00406       {
00407          it->second.set_pos( pos );
00408          if ( distance != UNKNOWN_DISTANCE )
00409             it->second.set_distance( distance );
00410          it->second.set_anchor( true );
00411          return;
00412       }
00414       // TODO: NO NEW!!!
00415 //       NeighborInfo *nih = new NeighborInfo( node, true );
00416 //       nih->set_pos( pos );
00417 //       if ( distance != UNKNOWN_DISTANCE )
00418 //          nih->set_distance( distance );
00419 //          neighborhood_[node] = nih;
00421 //       NeighborInfo nih2 =  NeighborInfo( node, true );
00422 //       temp_[node] = nih2;
00423 //       neighborhood_[node] = &(temp_[index_]);
00424 //       index_++;
00426       neighborhood_[node].set_node(node);
00427       neighborhood_[node].set_anchor(true);
00428       neighborhood_[node].set_pos( pos );
00429       if ( distance != UNKNOWN_DISTANCE )
00430          neighborhood_[node].set_distance( distance );
00431    }
00432    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00433    template<typename OsModel_P,
00434             typename node_id_t_P,
00435             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00436             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00437             typename Arithmatic_P>
00438    void
00439    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00440    update_neighbor( node_id_t node, Arithmatic distance )
00441    {
00442       NeighborhoodIterator it = find( node );
00443       if ( it != end_neighborhood() )
00444       {
00445          it->second->set_distance( distance );
00446          return;
00447       }
00449       // TODO: NO NEW!!!
00450 //       NeighborInfo *nih = new NeighborInfo( node, false );
00451 //       nih->set_distance( distance );
00452 //       neighborhood_[node] = nih;
00454 //       NeighborInfo nih2 =  NeighborInfo( node, false );
00455 //       temp_[node] = nih2;
00456 //             neighborhood_[node] = &(temp_[index_]);
00457 //             index_++;
00459       neighborhood_[node].set_node(node);
00460       neighborhood_[node].set_anchor(false);
00461       neighborhood_[node].set_distance( distance );
00462    }
00463    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00464    template<typename OsModel_P,
00465             typename node_id_t_P,
00466             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00467             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00468             typename Arithmatic_P>
00469    void
00470    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00471    update_nneighbor( node_id_t node, node_id_t neighbor, Arithmatic distance )
00472    {
00473       if ( node == neighbor )
00474          return;
00476       NeighborhoodIterator it;
00478       if ( ( it = find( node ) ) != end_neighborhood() )
00479          it->second->update_neighbor( neighbor, distance );
00481       if ( ( it = find( neighbor ) ) != end_neighborhood() )
00482          it->second->update_neighbor( node, distance );
00483    }
00484    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00485    template<typename OsModel_P,
00486             typename node_id_t_P,
00487             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00488             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00489             typename Arithmatic_P>
00490    void
00491    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00492    update_nneighbors( node_id_t node, DistanceMap& dm )
00493    {
00494       NeighborhoodIterator it = find( node );
00495       if ( it == end_neighborhood() )
00496          return;
00498       it->second->update_neighbors( dm );
00499    }
00500    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00501    template<typename OsModel_P,
00502             typename node_id_t_P,
00503             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00504             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00505             typename Arithmatic_P>
00506    void
00507    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00508    set_ref_node( node_id_t node, node_id_t ref )
00509    {
00510       NeighborhoodIterator it = find( node );
00511       if ( it == end_neighborhood() )
00512          return;
00514       it->second.clear_ref_nodes();
00515       it->second.add_ref_node( ref );
00516    }
00517    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00518    template<typename OsModel_P,
00519             typename node_id_t_P,
00520             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00521             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00522             typename Arithmatic_P>
00523    void
00524    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00525    update_ref_node( node_id_t node, node_id_t ref )
00526    {
00527       NeighborhoodIterator it = find( node );
00528       if ( it == end_neighborhood() )
00529          return;
00531 //FIXME: check, if 'set of ref-nodes' is getting better/greater by adding the node.
00532 //  -> Too much computing???
00533       it->second.clear_ref_nodes();
00534       it->second.add_ref_node( ref );
00535    }
00536    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00537    template<typename OsModel_P,
00538             typename node_id_t_P,
00539             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00540             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00541             typename Arithmatic_P>
00542    typename LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::NodeSet
00543    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00544    ref_nodes( void )
00545    {
00546       NodeSet temp;
00548       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00549                it = begin_neighborhood();
00550                it != end_neighborhood();
00551                ++it )
00552          if ( it->second->is_anchor() && it->second->is_valid() )
00553          {
00554             NodeSet references = it->second->ref_nodes();
00555             for ( typename NodeSet::iterator
00556                      refit = references.begin();
00557                      refit != references.end();
00558                      ++refit )
00559                temp.insert( *refit );
00560          }
00562       return temp;
00563    }
00564    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00565    template<typename OsModel_P,
00566             typename node_id_t_P,
00567             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00568             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00569             typename Arithmatic_P>
00570    void
00571    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P,Arithmatic_P>::
00572    add_sound( node_id_t node )
00573    {
00574       sounds_.insert( node );
00575    }
00576    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00577    template<typename OsModel_P,
00578             typename node_id_t_P,
00579             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00580             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00581             typename Arithmatic_P>
00582    bool
00583    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00584    is_sound( void )
00585    {
00586       NodeSet temp = ref_nodes();
00588       for ( typename NodeSet::iterator
00589                sit = sounds_.begin();
00590                sit != sounds_.end();
00591                ++sit )
00592          temp.insert( *sit );
00594       // if there is no info about ref-nodes of the anchors, ignore this
00595       // check return true anyway
00596       if ( anchor_cnt() > 0 && temp.size() == 0 )
00597          return true;
00599 //TODO: Dimension anpassen !!!!
00600       return (int)temp.size() >= 3;
00601    }
00602    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00603    template<typename OsModel_P,
00604             typename node_id_t_P,
00605             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00606             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00607             typename Arithmatic_P>
00608    bool
00609    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00610    has_anchor( node_id_t node )
00611    {
00612       NeighborhoodIterator it = neighborhood_.find( node );
00614       return ( it != end_neighborhood() && it->second->is_anchor() );
00615    }
00616    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00617    template<typename OsModel_P,
00618             typename node_id_t_P,
00619             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00620             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00621             typename Arithmatic_P>
00622    bool
00623    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00624    has_neighbor( node_id_t node )
00625    {
00626       return ( neighborhood_.find( node ) != end_neighborhood() );
00627    }
00628    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00629    template<typename OsModel_P,
00630             typename node_id_t_P,
00631             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00632             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00633             typename Arithmatic_P>
00634    bool
00635    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00636    has_nneighbor( node_id_t node, node_id_t neighbor )
00637    {
00638       if ( node == neighbor )
00639          return false;
00641       NeighborhoodIterator it = neighborhood_.find( node );
00642       if ( it == end_neighborhood() )
00643          return false;
00645       return it->second->has_neighbor( neighbor );
00646    }
00647    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00648    template<typename OsModel_P,
00649             typename node_id_t_P,
00650             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00651             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00652             typename Arithmatic_P>
00653    bool
00654    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00655    has_valid_neighbor( node_id_t node )
00656    {
00657       NeighborhoodIterator it = neighborhood_.find( node );
00658       if ( it == end_neighborhood() ) return false;
00660       return ( it->second->has_distance() );
00661    }
00662    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00663    template<typename OsModel_P,
00664             typename node_id_t_P,
00665             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00666             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00667             typename Arithmatic_P>
00668    bool
00669    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00670    has_valid_nneighbor( node_id_t node, node_id_t neighbor )
00671    {
00672       if ( node == neighbor )
00673          return false;
00675       NeighborhoodIterator it = neighborhood_.find( node );
00676       if ( it == end_neighborhood() ) return false;
00678       return ( it->second->has_neighbor( neighbor ) &&
00679                   it->second->has_neighbor_distance( neighbor ) );
00680    }
00681    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00682    template<typename OsModel_P,
00683             typename node_id_t_P,
00684             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00685             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00686             typename Arithmatic_P>
00687    typename LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::Arithmatic
00688    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00689    neighbor_distance( node_id_t node )
00690    {
00691       NeighborhoodIterator it = neighborhood_.find( node );
00692       if ( it == end_neighborhood() )
00693          return UNKNOWN_DISTANCE;
00695       return ( it->second->distance() );
00696    }
00697    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00698    template<typename OsModel_P,
00699             typename node_id_t_P,
00700             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00701             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00702             typename Arithmatic_P>
00703    typename LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::Arithmatic
00704    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00705    nneighbor_distance( node_id_t node, node_id_t neighbor )
00706    {
00707       if ( node == neighbor )
00708          return 0;
00710       NeighborhoodIterator it1 = neighborhood_.find( node );
00711       NeighborhoodIterator it2 = neighborhood_.find( neighbor );
00713       Arithmatic sum = 0.0;
00715       if ( it1 != end_neighborhood() &&
00716             it1->second->has_neighbor_distance( neighbor ) )
00717          sum += it1->second->neighbor_distance( neighbor );
00718       else
00719          return UNKNOWN_DISTANCE;
00721       if ( it2 != end_neighborhood() &&
00722             it2->second->has_neighbor_distance( node ) )
00723          sum += it2->second->neighbor_distance( node );
00724       else
00725          return UNKNOWN_DISTANCE;
00727       return sum / 2;
00728 #if 0
00729       if ( node == neighbor )
00730          return 0;
00732       NeighborhoodIterator it1 = neighborhood_.find( node );
00733       NeighborhoodIterator it2 = neighborhood_.find( neighbor );
00735       LocalizationStatistic<OsModel> stat;
00737       if ( it1 != end_neighborhood() &&
00738             it1->second->has_neighbor_distance( neighbor ) )
00739          stat += it1->second->neighbor_distance( neighbor );
00741       if ( it2 != end_neighborhood() &&
00742             it2->second->has_neighbor_distance( node ) )
00743          stat += it2->second->neighbor_distance( node );
00745       if ( stat.size() == 0 )
00746          return UNKNOWN_DISTANCE;
00748       return ( stat.mean() );
00749 #endif
00750 return 0;
00751    }
00752    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00753    template<typename OsModel_P,
00754             typename node_id_t_P,
00755             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00756             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00757             typename Arithmatic_P>
00758    typename LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::DistanceMap
00759    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00760    neighbor_distance_map( void )
00761    {
00762       DistanceMap temp;
00764       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00765                it = begin_neighborhood();
00766                it != end_neighborhood();
00767                ++it )
00768          temp[it->second->node()] = it->second->distance();
00770       return temp;
00771    }
00772    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00773    template<typename OsModel_P,
00774             typename node_id_t_P,
00775             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00776             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00777             typename Arithmatic_P>
00778    int
00779    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00780    valid_anchor_cnt( void )
00781    {
00782       int cnt = 0;
00784       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00785                it = begin_neighborhood();
00786                it != end_neighborhood();
00787                ++it )
00788          if ( it->second->is_anchor() && it->second->is_valid() )
00789             ++cnt;
00791       return cnt;
00792    }
00793    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00794    template<typename OsModel_P,
00795             typename node_id_t_P,
00796             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00797             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00798             typename Arithmatic_P>
00799    int
00800    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00801    anchor_cnt()
00802    {
00803       int cnt = 0;
00805       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00806                it = begin_neighborhood();
00807                it != end_neighborhood();
00808                ++it )
00809          if ( it->second.is_anchor() )
00810             ++cnt;
00812       return cnt;
00813    }
00814    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00815    template<typename OsModel_P,
00816             typename node_id_t_P,
00817             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00818             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00819             typename Arithmatic_P>
00820    int
00821    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00822    confident_neighbor_cnt( void )
00823    {
00824       int cnt = 0;
00826       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00827                it = begin_neighborhood();
00828                it != end_neighborhood();
00829                ++it )
00830          if ( it->second->is_confident() )
00831             ++cnt;
00833       return cnt;
00834    }
00835    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00836    template<typename OsModel_P,
00837             typename node_id_t_P,
00838             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00839             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00840             typename Arithmatic_P>
00841    typename LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::Arithmatic
00842    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00843    avg_neighbor_confidence( void )
00844    {
00845       Arithmatic conf = 0;
00846       int count = 0;
00848       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00849                it = begin_neighborhood();
00850                it != end_neighborhood();
00851                ++it )
00852          if ( it->second->is_confident() )
00853          {
00854             ++count;
00855             conf += it->second->confidence();
00856          }
00858       return ( conf / count );
00859    }
00860    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00861    template<typename OsModel_P,
00862             typename node_id_t_P,
00863             typename NeighborInfo_P,
00864             typename NeighborInfoMap_P,
00865             typename Arithmatic_P>
00866    void
00867    LocalizationNeighborhood<OsModel_P, node_id_t_P, NeighborInfo_P, NeighborInfoMap_P, Arithmatic_P>::
00868    reassign_twins( Arithmatic twin_measure )
00869    {
00870       // main task of this cycle is to unset all twins in the neighborhood.
00871       // additionally it is checked, whether the neighbor is a twin of the
00872       // source node or not.
00873       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00874                it = begin_neighborhood();
00875                it != end_neighborhood();
00876                ++it )
00877 // TODO!!
00878 //          if ( euclidean_distance(
00879 //                   source().est_position(), it->second->node().est_position() )
00880 //                <= twin_measure )
00881 //             it->second->set_twin( true );
00882 //          else
00883 //             it->second->set_twin( false );
00885       // this cycle sorts out all neighbors that are twins to each other, so
00886       // that after this check there is only one neighbor on one position.
00887       for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00888                it1 = begin_neighborhood();
00889                it1 != end_neighborhood();
00890                ++it1 )
00891          for ( NeighborhoodIterator
00892                   it2 = it1;
00893                   it2 != end_neighborhood();
00894                   ++it2 )
00895          {
00896             if ( it1 == it2 )
00897                continue;
00899             if ( !it1->second->has_pos() || !it2->second->has_pos() )
00900                continue;
00902             if ( euclidean_distance( it1->second->pos(), it2->second->pos() )
00903                   <= twin_measure )
00904                it2->second->set_twin( true );
00905          }
00906    }
00908 }// namespace wiselib
00909 #endif
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