@inproceedings{wrenger:23:atc, location = {Boston, MA}, author = {Wrenger, Lars and Rommel, Florian and Halbuer, Alexander and Dietrich, Christian and Lohmann, Daniel}, booktitle = {2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX '23)}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, isbn = {978-1-939133-35-9}, month = {jul}, pages = {897–914}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, title = {{LLFree}: Scalable and {Optionally-Persistent} {Page-Frame} Allocation}, url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/atc23/presentation/wrenger}, year = {2023}, }
@inproceedings{landsberg:22:icsoft, location = {Lisbon, Portugal}, author = {Landsberg, Tobias and Dietrich, Christian and Lohmann, Daniel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies - ICSOFT}, doi = {10.5220/0011139200003266}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, isbn = {978-989-758-588-3}, issn = {2184-2833}, month = {July}, organization = {INSTICC}, pages = {33-45}, publisher = {SciTePress}, title = {TASTING: Reuse Test-case Execution by Global AST Hashing}, year = {2022}, }
@inproceedings{bargholz:22:isorc, author = {Bargholz, Malte and Dietrich, Christian and Lohmann, Daniel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing}, doi = {10.1109/ISORC52572.2022.9812796}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, isbn = {978-1-6654-0627-7/22}, location = {Västerås, Sweden}, month = {May}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society}, title = {PSIC: Priority-Strict Multi-Core IRQ Processing}, year = {2022}, }
@inproceedings{fiedler:18:ospert, author = {Björn Fiedler and Gerion Entrup and Christian Dietrich and Daniel Lohmann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '18)}, entrysubtype = {Workshop}, month = {July}, title = {Levels of Specialization in Real-Time Operating Systems}, venue = {Barcelona, Spain}, year = {2018}, }
@inproceedings{waegemann:18:ecrts, author = {Peter Wägemann and Christian Dietrich and Tobias Distler and Peter Ulbrich and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems 2018}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ECRTS.2018.24}, editor = {Sebastian Altmeyer}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik}, title = {Whole-System Worst-Case Energy-Consumption Analysis for Energy-Constrained Real-Time Systems}, venue = {Barcelona, Spain}, year = {2018}, }
@inproceedings{dietrich:17:usenix, location = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, author = {Christian Dietrich and Valentin Rothberg and Ludwig Füracker and Andreas Ziegler and Daniel Lohmann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX '17)}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, isbn = {9781931971386}, location = {Santa Clara, CA, USA}, month = {July}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, title = {{cHash:} Detection of Redundant Compilations via {AST} Hashing}, url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/atc17/technical-sessions/presentation/dietrich}, venue = {Santa Clara, CA, USA}, year = {2017}, }
@inproceedings{dietrich:17:rtas, location = {Washington, DC, USA}, ar = {}, author = {Christian Dietrich and Peter W{ä}gemann and Peter Ulbrich and Daniel Lohmann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications (RTAS '17)}, category = {WCET, WCRT, IPET, ILP}, doi = {10.1109/RTAS.2017.37}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, isbn = {978-1-5090-5269-1}, pages = {37-48}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, title = {SysWCET: Whole-System Response-Time Analysis for Fixed-Priority Real-Time Systems}, year = {2017}, }
@inproceedings{hoffmann:15:rtas, location = {Washington, DC, USA}, ar = {22\% (27/124)}, author = {Martin Hoffmann and Florian Lukas and Christian Dietrich and Daniel Lohmann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications (RTAS '15)}, category = {os-embedded, L4}, doi = {10.1109/RTAS.2015.7108449}, entrysubtype = {Conference}, pages = {259 - 270}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, title = {{dOSEK}: The Design and Implementation of a Dependability-Oriented Static Embedded Kernel}, year = {2015}, }
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