The list of courses and their detailed information is regularly being updated throughout the preceeding term. Therefore, please regard this information as incomplete and to be subject to change.
Title | Lecturer | Credits | Hours |
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | Prof. Dr. Sándor P. Fekete | 8 | 4+2+2 |
Betriebssysteme | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Dietrich | 5 | 2+2 |
Programmieren 1 | Dr. Arne Schmidt | 6 | 2+2+2 |
Klausur Computernetze 1 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 |
Title | Lecturer | Credits | Hours |
Computer Networks 2 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 2+2 |
Advanced Networking 1 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | |
Bachelor-Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Master-Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Teamprojekt Programmierung verteilter eingebetteter Systeme | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 5 |
Praktikum Computernetze | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |
Mobile Computing Lab: V2X-Lab | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |
Seminar der Master-, Bachelor- und Projekt-Arbeiten | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 0 | |
Seminar der Mitarbeiter und Doktoranden | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 0 | |
Management von Informationssicherheit Nachklausur | Dr.-Ing. Stefan Ransom |
Title | Lecturer | Credits | Hours |
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | Prof. Dr. Sándor P. Fekete | 8 | 4+2+2 |
Computational Geometry (Algorithmische Geometrie) | Prof. Dr. Sándor P. Fekete | 5 | 2+1+1 |
Bachelor-Seminar Algorithmik | Prof. Dr. Sándor P. Fekete | 5 | 0+2 |
Master-Seminar Algorithmik | Prof. Dr. Sándor P. Fekete | 5 | 0+2 |
Mathematische Methoden der Algorithmik | Dr. Arne Schmidt | 5 | 2+1+1 |
Algorithmik-Praktikum: Solving NP-hard Problems in Practice | Dr. Dominik Krupke | 5 | 0+3 |
Title | Lecturer | Credits | Hours |
Betriebssystembau 2 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Dietrich | 5 | 2+2 |
Bachelor-Seminar System-Call-Advent Calendar | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Dietrich | 5 | 0+2 |
Master-Seminar System-Call-Advent Calendar | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Dietrich | 5 | 0+2 |
Teamprojekt: Performance Engineering | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Dietrich | 5 | 5 |
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Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0