> disman API
> Smurf
> Schedule-MIB
> Tcl Engine

The Jasmin Project
Manual Page (disman_schedule_mib.8)
disman_schedule_mib(8)       NET-SNMP      disman_schedule_mib(8)

       disman_schedule_mib  -  an  implementation of RFC 2591 for
       the NET-SNMP agent

       The disman_schedule_mib shared  object  is  a  dynamically
       loadable  agent  MIB module for the NET-SNMP 4.2 agent. It
       implements the DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB as defined in RFC 2591.

       The  disman_schedule_mib  module  is added to the agent at
       startup through the dlmod directive of the agent  configu-
       ration file:

        dlmod disman_schedule_mib /path/to/disman_schedule_mib.so

       Subsequently, the following directives can be used to con-
       figure the sub-agent:

       schedpersistent file
              Use file to save persistent schedEntries  on  agent
              shutdown and to re-read at agent startup. This must
              be  an  absolute  path.   The   default   file   is
              `sched.conf'  in  the  agent's default directory to
              store persistent information.

       schedport port
              Use port as the local  agent's  UDP  port  to  send
              SNMPv1  set  requests to on behalf of schedEntries'
              actions. The default port is 161.

       sched owner name descr spec context variable value type
              adminsta- tus storagetype
              Create a schedEntry  on  sub-agent  initialization.
              Exactly  ten  arguments  have  to  be passed to the
              sched directive. Arguments that contain  whitespace
              have to be enclosed in double-quotes ("").
              Owner  and  name  are  used to uniquely specify the
              owner and the name of the  schedEntry  (MIB  object
              types: schedOwner, schedName).
              Spec  is  used to represent a textual decription of
              the schedEntry.  Spec is either a  single  positive
              integer  specifying the interval in case of a peri-
              odic schedule or a blank-separated string of  items
              that  represent bits of a calendar specification of
              a calendar schedule or a  oneshot  schedule.  These
              bits  are  equal to the named-numbers of the sched-
              WeekDay,  schedMonth,  schedDay,   schedHour,   and
              schedMinute  object  types  of the DISMAN-SCHEDULE-
              MIB, except that the `h' and `m'  letters  for  the
              hours  and minutes have to be uppercase. Months can
              also be given by number,  e.g.  `m1'  is  equal  to
              `january'.  The  special  items  `w*',  `m*', `d*',

IBR                      January 18, 2001                       1

disman_schedule_mib(8)       NET-SNMP      disman_schedule_mib(8)

              `H*',    and    `M*'    represent     any     week-
              day/month/day/hour/minute.    Weekdays  and  months
              given by name can be abbreviated by at least  three
              letters.  All  letters  in items are case sensitive
              (MIB  object  types:  schedInterval,  schedWeekDay,
              schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour, schedMinute).
              Context,  variable,  and  value are used to specify
              the context, the variable and the value  that  have
              to  be  written when the action of this schedule is
              invoked (MIB object types: schedContextName, sched-
              Variable, schedValue).
              Type  is  used to specify the type of this schedEn-
              try, either `periodic',  `calendar',  or  `oneshot'
              (MIB object type: schedType).
              Adminstatus and storagetype are used to specify the
              desired state and storage type of  this  schedEntry
              (MIB  object  types:  schedAdminStatus,  schedStor-

       RFC 2591 requires that the Set requests issued  on  behalf
       of  schedules'  actions  have to use the same SNMP creden-
       tials that have been used to create the schedEntry of  the
       schedule.  This  requirement  is currently not met by this
       implementation due to the inavailability of this  informa-
       tion  in  the MIB module. This problem hurts also at other
       places  and  is  known  to  the  NET-SNMP  developers  and
       expected  to be addressed in a future revision of the NET-
       SNMP release so that this implementation can  be  improved
       accordingly.  Currently, Set requests are issued as SNMPv1
       messages with the community string given  by  the  schedO-

       RFC  2591 described two cases of time transitions: ambigu-
       ous times and nonexistent times. While this implementation
       handles  ambiguous times as expected, schedules that would
       have been raised at nonexistent times are ignored and  not
       raised immediately after the time transition, which breaks
       a rule of RFC 2591.

       The DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB makes use of the BITS pseudo type.
       Note  that  RFC  1906, Section 8 says that objects of type
       BITS have to carry all octets that make up their BER  rep-
       resentation  when carried via SNMP.  Some SNMP implementa-
       tion (even NET-SNMP) do not handle this correctly.

       RFC 2591 (ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2591.txt),
       NET-SNMP (http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net),
       snmpd (8)

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disman_schedule_mib(8)       NET-SNMP      disman_schedule_mib(8)

       (C) 2000,2001 TU Braunschweig, Germany
           Torsten Klie <tklie@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>
           Frank Strauss <strauss@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>

IBR                      January 18, 2001                       3

© 2000 TU Braunschweig, NEC C&C Europe    -    Fri Feb 2 12:45:48 2001